Vehicle: 2010 Prius with Solar Roof. Issue: There's a buzz coming from the ceiling approximately over the rear right seating area. Solution: TBD. I have a buzz that resonates from the above mentioned area. It doesn't occur all the time and appears to be affected by frequencies (e.g. certain engine rpms will set off the buzzer or certain thumps of the bass may trigger the buzz). I don't believe it occurs with the collision of a pothole or similar hard object the road. I've pushed up against the headliner and sometimes that does resolve the issue but sometimes it returns. Anyone have any idea what's located there that may be causing the buzzer sound? I've looked at the wiring diagram and it looks like the moonroof motor is located in the centre of the rear ceiling and the curtain airbag sensor and wires run along the side of the roof but there's nothing mentioned in between the two.
I can't speak to the sunroof issue as there's no way to know if your buzz is electrical in nature or if it's a loose structural roof member. I had the latter (no sunroof) and determined it to be defective spot welds on the cross-member. It was tough one to find too as the sound seemed to be coming from the assist handles on the driver's side. Actually, the defective welds were more mid-way under the headliner. The problem is that the construction of the regular roof and its structural cross-members is very different than a Prius equipped with the sunroof.
If you can find the fuse under the dash that controls the sunroof, pull it out temporarily and see if the buzz recurs. If not, then the buzz would be electrical and possibly related to the retraction motor in the roof. If the buzz persists, then it's most likely a structural issue with the roof framing and cross-members around the sunroof opening. I assume you have ruled out the sunroof itself (i.e. glass and its framing)?
Alright I can do that. No, the sunroof's creaks and shudders are completely different matter (it shudders when opened and I hit anything larger than a expansion joint or anything rougher than slightly worn pavement. It sounds like the glass is rattling). In the back seat?
Last Fall, I got a noise in the right rear roof section of the car. I put some lubricant on the hatch hinges and the pivot points of the hatch struts and the noise went away. It just started up again, so when I get a chance, I'm going to lube the same points up again and see what happens.