dont have a nav system in my 04 prius. just ordered a garmin 60csmapping unit. i hope anyone who has one will say good thinga about it. from what i could judge it seemed to have good features for the dollars (not cheap!! but better than a couple of thousand) any reactions. how about maps and down loading. thanx :?
Yup, it's a nice unit. I got a streetpilot 2610 for myself as it's a bit more suited to automotive use, but the 60cs is a good multi-purpose GPS. There's a full review here: Dave
I have a iQue 3600 combination PDA/Gps. Has all the routing features, voice command etc. The data base of places is so good I use it for my primary phone book for local stores and services. ProClip makes a great dash mount. I have had it for a year and would not part with it. I am on the "list" for a option 9 Prius. I would encourage anyone to get this it is small portable and also is a full function Palm PDA. Henry Drygas
I was thinking about getting an aftermarket nav system as well (couldn't afford the prius with the nav system built in ). Is it possible to make use of the Prius screen? Or will the lack of 'buttons' left and right of the screen prevent this? In other words can I connect an aftermarket nav to the Prius screen (or maybe a DVD player)? Anyone done this, seen links, or heard about this?
Found a topic (or rather: ran into a topic) about this:
Someone had asked about a 3rd-party GPS in the Prius - the Canadian model doesn't have one, so I purchased a Garmin Streetpilot 2610 (photo below). Although it's a smaller screen than the Prius, it does have some advantages as well: -Garmin updates their software constantly, and software upgrades for the units are always free. They improve the UI, Trip Routing, etc. as well as adding new features when possible. From what I understand, the auto-routing and maps in the Prius isn't as good as Garmin's products. -You can buy maps for anywhere in the world, and because the GPS is portable, you can take it anywhere in the world on trips. If you want to go to Europe, you can buy point-to-point routing for all of Europe. The maps for some areas are overpriced, but all of North America is included when you buy any of the Streetpilot units (the full mapset requires about 1.8gb of storage, so you either need to load a subset of the map into smaller compactflash cards, or get a microdrive that you can save more on). -Because it's a standalone unit, you can always sell it and upgrade when something better comes along -It looks very, very cool at night with the Prius displays and the GPS all running together
I have the Nav but just for fun I have this photo: with 3 Nav, my old pocket GPSr and my Nextel GPS phone all in one frame. Any other geocachers here, especially in the Northeast? I am planning a new cache with a special Prius related item. jv