Yeah - look at every Prius delivered on the lot - it has a spoliler between the upper and lower rear glass It's there to help lower Cd. It's not studry enough IMHO for downforce/handling. Unless, that is, it's a more "dramatic" spoiler. Unless it improved MPG, I'd probably skip it.
Appears to be by Toyota as it doesn't indicate a third party. See the option at this link*&x=97&y=19
This was pointed out in March, when listed it as being for late May 2004 availability. Perhaps it's a metal spoiler, to replace the less-than-sturdy-feeling one I think is made of plastic. I have to remember not to close the hatchback by pushing on the spoiler, because I think I'd spoil it...
There is an 'extended rear spoiler' available on the JP option pages that have been linked here a couple of times. Don't know if that's it or not. was mentioned in as having an extended spoiler, but I can't tell if it's all that extended...
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: OK ya want spoiler well here ya go! The top pic is the extended and the bottom is the standard (sorry for the pic's messing up just click on them to see in color.). :computer: :wave:
Honestly, it doesn't appear that extended to me, just that the picture was taken at a different rotation, which gives the illusion that it is longer. I'd say no more than 1" difference at most if it was extended. What benefit would 1" provide?
I recall it being pointed out many weeks ago that the Edmonds site simply had bad data, as many others do. There is no spoiler option from Toyota. The spoiler is standard. The extended spoiler is being mentioned more now. It appears to be an option or Toyota aftermarket item for a few markets, but not yet in the US. The last info I saw said it was being "considered" and I believe the source was Japan.
It looks more "upswept", so maybe that allows it to catch more air and push the rear end down more? Assuming, of course, that pushing the rear down is part of the plan...
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Yes the pic's are at different angles and it makes it harder to see the difference. I posted these as they were the closest shots and I've seen other pic's were you have to look real close to see it but I'd say rearward is 2 to 3 inch difference and some where around 1 to 2 inch in rise of arch. Of course that is just my two cents worth. :computer: :wave: