I had one many moons ago in my 77 Camaro and I enjoyed it. If anyone currently has this accessory I would like to hear from you regarding likes/dislikes/recommendations.
Yikes!..... Never liked the look.... I think it will take away from the slick look of the Prius dash. While it might have afforded protection to older cars like your 77 Camaro (nice car by the way) I trust that the materials used in today's cars are designed to hold up a lot better. I live in Santa Clarita (40 miles north of LA) where temps in summer top 100 mark often, never had any dash board damage. This is just my opinion. I'm sure there will be others who just swear by dash covers.... It just boils down to personal choice. Good luck and enjoy the ride!
I do think they look good in certain cars but haven't seen any in a Prius. Hoping someone can give me an idea of what they look like exactly (pics). It worked well in the camaro. Fun car but that was another time
I thought those went out with car bra's? Also collects lots of dust and looks plain ugly. There are other options if you're worried about dash cracking.. such as using a sun visor or install ceramic tint.
Not worried about the cracking part. Just trying to keep it from getting too dang hot and they can come in handy when setting things on the dash as well as keeping the dash somewhat clean.
If that's the case, what I recommended does exactly that what you want. Also, tint the windows to reduce IR and UV from getting into the car all together. Ceramic tints are costly but are suppose to perform very well even without going very dark.
In the process of getting tint set up this weekend. I may bypass a dash mat for now. Thx for the info. I guess I just like the looks of the mats. Not at the top of my priority list at this time.
I checked out the link. Wish the picture was a tad bigger. Will keep them in mind and thx for the link!
I was thinking about getting a dash cover as well. I just tinted my windows for now. I live in the high desert in Southern California where temps get really high in the summer