LOL, that really does make sense in the case of one particular 1980s British Leyland car, the Austin Maestro HL. It was so unreliable the spoken warnings were going off all over the place, it's a wonder it didn't get a sore throat
as a brand new owner of a UK spec T Spirit Prius, I have just noticed that someone else has been plagued by a double beep, that seems to occur every few minutes... I cant believe that the Fob batteries are a problem as they are only a week old, although we did have both Fobs in the car when driving home from the dealer....maybe the car didn't like this??? We also have a solar opening roof, or moon roof as it is so quaintly referred to by you folks, and we did open, and then close it.............but maybe needed to re-open and close it to create a better contact?? The beeping is a non assertive beep, almost like a speed warning beep on a fact I thought that it was the radio or nav, so turned everything off, but it didn't stop it.... ...I imagine that there are warning dash board lights for open doors or hatch, but I couldn't see anything unusual...on the other hand, as a new owner, Everything is unusual, so maybe that is the problem!!
barrycoll; the 'solar opening roof' beep I was experiencing was a single beep, not a double beep. Is it possible you have a passenger that is not buckled or more than about 60lbs weight on the passenger seat? I seem to recall that beep is more like you have described.
thanks nklb, and my wife would like to think that she is only 60lbs (or less), so that might float her boat, but wont hold water regarding the seat belt ...and it was only when driving that the beep occurred, and not when entering or exiting the plot thickens cheers barrycoll
My suggestion would be to read the owners manual regarding sun roof operation and warnings. Many times you will find a clear explanation why this happens. My guess would be that the circuitry has a feature where by the sun roof has to be cycled to a certain point in order for the warning chime confirms a fully closed position.
Thank goodness for online search. I ran into this issue recently in my 2013. Thought it was a fob battery low warning. Replaced same and no change. I had recently started opening the sun roof a gap for ventilation and had closed it, but apparently the sensor was not satisfied. Since I have not opened the sun roof but maybe once or twice since buying the car, I wouldn't be at all surprised for it being a bit sticky. That said, the beep should be associated with a Sun Roof icon. I did notice the Door Open icon flash briefly during the beep, but it doesn't act like when any of the access door sensors indicate open or a fob is left in the car when locking the car from outside.