Yes... and I would say he got reelected because of the sheep on your side . Politics has been pissing me off lately. Politicians, seem very intent on making huge sweeping moral issues out of complete non-issues when it comes close to reelection season.
Can't argue much there. This time he actually won, relatively fair and square and by a VERY small margin. (Although he seems to believe he has some sort of mandate.) Pity he only represents the half that elected him. In the past, Americans expected their president to rise above partisan politics and represent all the people. Recent Republican presidents appear to have abandoned that practice. I don't perceive that attitude in the few recent Democrat presidents. Only 2 lame duck years left at least.
I teach a university class (Geography: Environmental Conditions) Tuesday evenings and only listened to a few sound bytes. The proof is in the reality. Bush-Cheney, et al., intentionally excluded all consideration of conservation, alternative energy, rational transportation or long-term thinking five years ago. Why the sudden conversion? (Because GM-Ford are in big trouble?) There is no sinner like a reformed sinner.
Let us remember Bush is a 'front man'. It's the fact that he allows himself to be used in such a manner that invites criticism. It seems from the intelligence he clearly demonstrates, and unlike Clinton whose intelligence factor was obviously much higher, Bush is merely parroting other's words and concepts. To me this seems obvious because Bush has used vetted audiences and paid questioners to lob him easy wiggle-room questions. Clinton, on the otherhand seemed to love and invite spur of the moment interactions where he could demonstrate his indepth knowlege of complicated issues. I've come to feel sorry for Bush, but continue to loath 'the men behind the curtain' for being so secretive and evading most dishonorably critics of thier ideas. We live in dangerous times.
I disagree. I think Bush is far brighter than Clinton. His problem is that he tends to perform poorly in Public on-the-spot situations, yet is far more "effective" behind the scenes, totally opposite of Clinton. Clinton was like a good used car salesman, has a great "Front", and that's about where it ends... THAT'S far more dangerous...
To answer the question: No - too late at night for me, but it was all on TV. And then this morning it was the leading item on the BBC's 1 p.m. news, occupying 10 minutes of a 30 minute Bulletin with extracts and comment. Thought you'd all like to know that!
Nice evening lullaby for converted, I am sorry I don’t subscribe to that church Matt Frei gave interesting summation
Wow! I seldom hear that, even from the most avid Bush supporters. I heard he finally managed the correct pronunciation of the word "nuclear". I've always found it embarassing that the president of my country could not manage this.
Your son also enjoys my full support. It's his trumped up mission that I do not support (not his fault).
Many of the Bush-bashers that i know well, could as easy be called republican bashers. They tend to be anti-military, anti-gun, pro-government no matter who is president and what the circumstances. I think the fact that Bush usually delivers his message with a certain confidence in himself, country and God is really what gets them so irate at the man himself. Unfortunately they tend not to consider other points of view and can not imagine how on earth Bush managed to be elected twice. :blink:
Like him or not, I think that 'W' is far more self-realized than bill clinton probably ever will be. clinton seemed to spend all of his political capital trying to get people to like him. Bush does not seem to care and, right or wrong, does what he thinks is the right thing.
And yet, it is possible to not fit any of those characterizations and still find plenty of fault with Bush. I have as little regard for left knee-jerkers as right knee-jerkers and think that most issues are too complicated to be reduced down to only "pro" and "anti" positions. In fact, reduction of issues down to only "pro" and "anti" positions is a big part of our political problems since it does not allow for reasonable compromise and allows both camps to "label" virtually any dissent into the other camp and thereby dismiss it. (btw, I will only concede one election victory to B. although I acknowledge his legal right to both his presidential terms.)
You are right. I think he has left much to be desired on many fronts: the economy, energy, the war in Iraq, but i still admire the man's decision making. I would guess that he sleeps like a baby most nights, because he is at peace with who he is and his decisions. On the 2000 election he was the victor according to the constitution. Day after day finds Al gore off pouting in a speech somewhere. I always find it ironic that all he had to do was win his home state and he would have been president, i think that fact will always speak volumes about the man.
"I was pleased to hear him call strongly for alternative fuels and hybrid technology, and an end to our dependence on oil. " Listening to Bush tell us we are addicted to oil is like hearing a crack dealer whine about addicts. I want my Consitutional democracy back. Instead I have a fascist President who considers the Constitution "just a piece of paper" and feels he can spy without warrants on citizens, hold prisoners without charges and torture them. His lack of understanding about middle eastern culture, coupled with his willingness to mislead the public about the phoney link between Saddam and 9-11, and WMDs, makes me finally, after 45 years of bewilderment, understand how the Germans submitted to Hitler a generation ago. We are there in everything but the name and swastika. I weep for our lost America.
I hope that your comments are in jest. Every time I hear such comments comparing Bush to Hitler, everything you say and stand for is meaninglessto me as well as the majority of Americans. Have you ever been to a concentration camp? How many deaths and how much destruction was Hitler responsible for? God I hope your joking.