Sent in my check on 1-12, have not heard anything yet. Is it time for me to get nervous? It seems like most have heard something by now, or at least have seen that thier check was cashed. :mellow:
I sent mine 1/13, and just checked my bank--not cashed yet. I'm impatient, but not nervous yet. I figure there was an end of year lull that sped up processing times as reported by several people here, but it also sounds like lots of people bought in early January. So maybe the backlog returned. If lots of people throughout the state bought other cars at the end of the year (my dealer indicated their sales really picked up, but who knows) then the VIN processing could be taking a while, too. :taps fingers on the desk, sighs, and thinks "maybe tomorrow"!:
I sent mine in 1/4, and the check was cashed on 1/24. I got the stickers on 1/28. The number was 45,XXX. I hated putting them on my car.. but they don't look quite as bad as I thought they would.
Bought my car, got my transponder, sent in my check 1/13. Then started to worry. and then worry more based on the "gotta have the plate". "gotta have the VIN in the DMV system at least". watching the numbers roll in posts on half a dozen different forums. 42XXX 43XXX 45XXX ... A sick and twisted obsession with that lane. The cashed my check yesterday!!!! I can go back to worrying about the car now.
I purchased Jan 10, and sent my check in that day. I followed my bank electronically to see if the check was cashed. Finally I called DMV and they told me that my Vin was not in the system. I then contacted my salesman who said they send the stuff in everyday. I then waited a few more days finally calling the dealership and asking for the person who deals with the DMV. She said that they would send in the paperwork on Jan 30. She then said it would take another 6 to 8 weeks for us to get our plates. I asked if there was an easier way. She said I should have paid $28 to have the paperwork electronically transferred. Then she could actually issue plates once the DMV system accepted the data. I then asked if we could do this after the fact. She placed me on hold and asked her boss. She then said yes. The next day she entered the data and I got a call the following day to come in and pay the $28 and pick up my plates. Two days later the DMV cashed my check. So like a number of you I await the next phase. I did speak with someone at the Air Resource Board about the stickers. She said that they would not stop at the 50,000 level and re-evaluate the program but continue to the 75,000 limit. So for what that is worth. We just sold our Black 05 with Package 6 and leather/tinted windows/side body molding/mud guards/stickers for $27,000 private party. I am waiting for the stickers on our new White 06 with Package 8 and mud guards/tinted windows. I don't like the fact that I cannot defeat the Navigation anymore. The rear view camera is ok kind of a novalty otherwise not worth a lot. The leather is not as good as the dealer installed leather. Manny
Purchased my Prius on 1/6. Sent in my HOV app on 1/9 from Orange County. My $8 check was cashed on 1/24. Hoping to find stickers in my mailbox today or tomorrow...
My friend sent in his application on 1/11. Check cashed 1/31. I sent mine in on 1/18, hoping for next week, but I bet the OP will get his cashed this week.
drmanny3 -- Finally I called DMV and they told me that my Vin was not in the system What number did you call? I should do this, too.
:breathing huge sigh of relief...and joy!: Mailed check 1/13. My check posted at my bank yesterday, stamped by the DMV on 1/30. It looks like the license plate is hand-written on the back, but I don't see writing that looks like a sticker number. I'll post that when I know for sure and have them in hand!
Great news, gas hater! I was hoping you'd post that yours too had been cashed. I would say: "see you in the carpool lanes," but since I'm up north...I'll say: "great choice on color and package"!
Just to repeat the same story, paperwork mailed out on Jan 17th, check cashed on Jan 30th. They put about forty different numbers on the back of my check, I doubt any are my plate numbers.
We just bought our Prius on the weekend and faxed our FasTrak paperwork off yesterday. How long does it take for that to get processed?? I can't apply for my HOV sticker until I get a FasTrak account, and we don't want to miss out on our sticker!
The real trick to this is going to the FasTrak office in person. That will save you about 10 days. That's how long it took for my transponder to get processed and mailed back. Also I would suggest FedEx'ing your package to the DMV. Not knowing where the documents were in the process is agonizing. My license plate number is clearly written on the back of my check although I just got my plates yesterday and check cashed today.
It's taking 3-4 weeks from the time the paperwork is sent in - and about a week from the time your check is cashed by the DMV. You do not need to have your plates - I just wrote "new car" wherever the application asked for the plate number. And if you're in a transponder county and you want to hurry things along, definitely make the trip to the FasTrak office - they will issue you the transponder and required paperwork on the spot. I got mine today, I'm number 47,0xx.