That's because the media knows what sells...blood, gore, violence, etc. Not too many people are entertained by the human interest side of the story. I am but it's never shown.
A couple more comments....BUSH does not have a lot of power over BIG government....CONGRESS creates the budget (or at least approves it ) Support the line item veto.! Is THAT what you WANT gov't to be like....arguing and bashing in congress? Oh wait...that IS what it is already. Leaders do not DO....their job is to lead and inspire. Bush cannot solve our problems...even if he wanted to. Congress , the media, the public could solve it if they ACTED like they really wanted solutions. Sorry, I am fired up.
Unfortunately, the public is composed of many SHEEPle who follow the likes of michael moore and his sea of warped mis-information, and Bush-bash simply because all their friends do, because it's the "cool", "in" thing to do.... :angry:
Did you say "Gore" or Kerry?..... they both come from the same circus you know?..... there's good reason why "American Idol" is so popular and why the news media likes to put people up who are totally rediculous!... It sells! People love watching a circus! Everytime they open thier mouth, they only make bigger fools of themselves and make me even more sooooooo thankful and confident I didnt' vote either of them in! Kerry gave hints just this morning of how the American people need to be challenged to pull us out of debt!..... And that it wasn't the American people who are dependent upon oil, its the oil companies?...Whats that?... What do the oil companies do with it drink it for breakfast?....I think we are the ones that buy it?... What a moron. Well I think enough of my paycheck already goes to people besides me!.... How about the Governement slim up some more and figure out how to use whats been given to them? Let the fight begin!
I don't know Michael Moore from Michael Jackson and certainly don't bash Bush because my friends do. Bush is an incompetant idiot with goals many consider incompatible with the "free" society he claims to support, straight up. I agree that the public is composed of SHEEPle, many of whom follow the likes of Rush Limbaugh and his sea of warped misinformation, etc.
This is the problem with the First Amendment, it allows for idiots like moore and limbaugh to actually influence voters.
I don't see that as a problem with the first amendment. It's a problem with our culture that discourages analysis and respect for the truth.
So Jack, into generalizations much? "the Bushies in general...?" What are we, a cult? I'm a veteran, a republican, and an American - I'm also sure you would say that I'm a "bushie" with disdain in your voice to imply that any and all of us who support the president are somehow less intelligent than yourself. Debate is a wonderful thing, but sometimes talking things into the ground gets us nowhere. Sometimes you have to take action. I'll debate politics and Iraq with you all day, but if you're as opinionated as you seem, we'd be in the same place at the end of the day as we were before the war, and that many more innocents would have died by now. As far as your comments went: "Notice how he only spoke in front of the people who agree with him?" No, I didn't notice. Actually, I'm sure that most of the people watching didn't notice. Are you saying that everyone in the room agreed with him? What were YOU watching? Sabado Gigante? "The bushies in general are incapable of debate because they don't get any real practice."Incapable? Really? and how did you come by this brilliant insight? So you're saying that we just need to get the Republican party into a debate class? Wow... glad you pointed that out to us! We'll get right on it... "Instead of debating an issue with the people who disagree with them, they attack the people who disagree with them." Yeah.... not so much... Apparantly, everyone else can change their mind about things, except the president. It's so easy for you to see things clearly in hind sight, congratualtions on your ability, it must be unique. I too have noticed all the news articles about President Bush attacking people in public because he wasn't capable of disagreeing with them instead. Tell me, why is it that if you complain about an opinion that contradicts your own, you're just "pointing it out", yet if the president does, he's "attacking it"? I'm so sick of people attacking the President because they want to be heard, and then generalizing in every statement they make... If you can't say something reasonable and thought out, why don't you just put a sock in it?
Give me a president able to think and write his/her own speeches, and I'll listen. Listening to a monkey reading prepared propaganda is a waste of time, although certainly amusing for some.
I agree. Too many people drawing too many conclusions given too little facts, or reasonable indicators thereof...
I don't dislike bush because all my friends do it... and certainly not because I want to be cool.... I dislike bush because honestly his policies rub me the wrong way, many of his values are 180 degrees contrary to mine, and I feel he's done very little to address the real problems in the country. Like it or not, there are people who are intelligent, not sheep, and still hate Bush's guts.
Amen! Laughing man - at least you articulate yourself clearly - I'd be happy to have you voting for the other guy, because at least YOU'VE thought it out. (In case it didn't sound like one or came across wrong, this was a compliment - seriously!)
Now keep in mind, I haven't accused anyone directly of Bush-bashing without reason. Particularly laughingman and kiloran, as I've read a lot of their posts on various matters, and have a good sense they're not bandwagon bashers. I'm simply talking from personal experience. It really seems like I come across far MORE idiot Bush bashers than rational ones...
Yeah, parliament would be right up your alley. If there's a CNET type channel that I could get that showed parliament in action, I'd watch it a lot.
Yeah, bandwagons are usually full of drunken idiots and accordians. On the flip side, I feel like I come across just as many irrational Bush supporters.
The problem isn't with the First Amendment, which has served us well for ages. I think, with some exceptions, the essence of the 1st amendment is still very strong today, and i would die before I see it go away. If anything, the problem is with the 4th estate.
I agree. The public, in general, is uninformed - on both sides of the party line. Baaaaaa! (<--sheep sound)
You know, this brings up a point, we should start a thread that lists reliable, unbiased sources of government/administration information....