Do you as fellow prius owners acknowledge other owners on the road? I'm kinda curios about this I also own a jeep and a motorcycle and there has always been a sort of comrodary acknowledgement of fellow passer by owners of both (peace sign fom me) with the exception of a few Harley owners I ride a victory so I'm not good enough I just hope the ones that don't wave are always checking there mirrors after we meet!! May sound weird but I kinda figured I'd encounter the same sort of thing in my prius does anyone else?
I do sometimes, not often though. If I notice them checking out my prius4 because it's loaded then why not
Like fuzzy said, the Prius is no longer a niche car like the Corvette or Jeep CJ. Especially in California (sells the most new cars in the nation) where the the Prius was the #1 selling car, there is no way you could acknowledge every Prius.
I'm watching the Clipper's playoff game right now and there was just an ad stating that the "Prius Family" is the no. 1 selling car in California... that's alot of waving to do! I try to make eye contact but most of the time the Prius drivers are just putting along in their high mpg world...
one day, on my commute tp work on hwy 91 16 miles stretch, I saw 6 Prius in a row. SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
No one waves like the Porsche or Ferrari owners, like others' said too many on the road. However I have caught people turning their head to check out our Prius because it's nicely fixed up.