On the way to work today a truck passed me and hit an already hit dear. The thing split in two with half over the truck and half to the side of the road. The half towards me went up over the cab of the truck and landed right in front of me. I was able to only drive over it with the right front tires. No damage and no blood. I have had the car for only a couple of weeks - would have been a shame to have half a deer take out the new car. I was lucky (much luckier than the deer!!!). Later I passed the truck and gave him the hand gesture to show him he was number "1" with me! :lol:
Growing up in Southern Indiana, tales of whitetail deer are everywhere. I'm lad you and your car made it out unscathed. Okay, here's one of those stories: A woman hit a deer on the way to work. On the way back, she hit another one. Her husband was livid because it was near the end of hunting season and he hadn't even gotten one. More seriously and more personal, about 12 years ago I swerved to miss a deer that was just standing in the road. Nothing serious, it was just standing there. But it was dark and I didn't see that the road made a 90-degree hard turn that I was unable to make after the swerve. I flipped a few times, slid thirty feet down the side of a hill on my roof and hit a tree right at my driver's door. A good portion of the window was shoved into my left trapezius right above the Spine of Scapula. It was six weeks before I could raise my hand above my head. So like I said, I'm glad you're ok.
OUCH!!! TonyP I have had 3 deer hit ME (I didn't hit them!!) since I moved from the Urban jungle of North Jersey to the rural part of the Hudson Valley. Nothing major.. 2 were less than 100 ydS from my driveway 1 I turned sideways & hit the deer flank to flank... just removed the dirt from my Saturn 1 ran into me on the NY Thruway... never saw it.. just flew over an embankment & I caught it with my left front Saturn fender.. The deer flipped , stumbled up and limped into the center higHway woods. I pulled over & the plastic/fiberglass of the Saturn had cracks which had deer fur sticking out... But that was it Just last week, a deer ran into my 98 Lumina.. again, never saw it, just ran & leaped a 4 ft high fence. I was just going down my town road & BAM... I just saw something brown in the side door window & heard glass breaking (it was driver mirror... JUST the mirror). The deer was dazed as if he were an early Mike Tyson opponent (he got his boxing upbrnging in Catskill - though they took down the billboard "Home of Mike Tyson, Heavyweight Champ" shortky after his rape conviction). But no door damage other than the mirror. By the way, does anyone use those 'deer alert' things that you would put on your bumpers to 'scare' deer out of the road anymore???
Don't ya just hate it when a piece of roadkill meat splats on the windshield. :blink: Wipers and windshield washer fluid just makes it messier.
i read somewhere where auto-deer accidents cost more in insurance claims than any other cause...something like 20,000 colisions a year... wow that is a lot
I can believe that! My first deer ever hit me in 2004 and cost around $3000 damage to my Honda Element although the damage didn't look too bad. It mostly messed up the driver's side door. I was only going about 20 mph in town and the poor thing ran right into my vehicle. I never actually seen it very clearly, but assume it was a deer. This year, the same exact day, but different road and different car, I came within a second of being creamed by another one. Andy
I hit a deer with my SUV about 10 years ago. I suffered over 2000 damage and learned that I need to say that the deer hit me. The sad thing is that the deer was not dead but had a broken leg/hip. She lie on the side of the road while I tried to call the SHP, Sheriff and then Wild Life control to put the poor thing out of its misery. When they finally showed up the poor thing crawled off into the woods. The Wild Life Officer could not find her. It is amazing how something as big as a deer could hide in the small bit of woods between two busy highways. It could not have been more than 50 yards to the next major road. I am quite sure that she died slowly. I wish that something could have been done.
They passed a bill in TN legislature a few years ago to make it legal to consume your roadkill (after you've reported the accident). They called it the road-kill bill. For real.
Dang. You sound like one of the few people that may be actually justified for driving a Hummer. I've had a few near misses, but so far no leapers jumping on the car, (knock on wood).
Wow, Tony. I thought my "driving off the side of a mountain in a convertible" story was a scary one. Yours takes the cake.
A colleague was narrating his deer incident to me yesterday. He had a 1 month old VW beetle convertible. He hit a deer on his way home. The damage was worth 9000$!! The front fender, headlights as well as front axle were damaged. Apparently VW has lots of fancy electronics on their front axles.