Now that my car has reached the 1000 miles, i have been getting 50mpg or more. However, my biggest complaint about the car is the fact that as soon as i have 4 adults, and some light stuff in the trunk, the car squads! It seems to me that the rear springs are too weak. Perhaps it is only in the persona edition or maybe in all the priuses. Has anyone experience this? i mean i understand the car has to squad with some weight, but not so much. Has anyone changed the springs? Other than this complaint, the car has been awesome and has been everything i expected. Any input would be great.
AFAIK, the Persona springs are the same as all the other Prius HB. You can look into Prius Plus Springs as an easy option? It's lower but has higher spring rate.
The Prius has a weight capacity of about 815lbs. including people AND cargo. With four adults and stuff in the trunk, you are at or near the limit (based on the average weight of four male adults in the U.S. at 195lbs, stats provided by CDC). Therefore, with four avg. males weighing a total of 780lbs, you have about 35lbs. to spare. That will definately lower your springs a little!
There was no space between the tire and the fender, so it was def more than a little. However, i did not know about the weighing limit of the prius, i would keep it in mind, i like the way it rides, i wouldn't want to switch it for something that rides different.
Your load is more than "a little" as you noted 4 adults with baggage... so sound about right? I've read Plus springs ride very similar to stock.