Hi again guys, I've heard mention that you can go to toyota's website and punch in a VIN# to find out it's past service history. I have looked on Toyota.ca but I don't see a spot to do such a thing?
Try this site and register as an owner then add or delete your VIN as needed. Toyota Owners Official Web Site: Service Coupons, Owner's Manuals, Service Scheduling And More
If the previous owner was DIY or used an independent garage the website will have little or no corellation to reality. In Canada there's a service history function on the website, but it's solely for use by dealership service departments.
Sorry: only Toyota service departments can make entries. You can see their entries, for your car, if you're able to log on. Now for someone else's car, maybe you're locked out, privacy concerns. Guess that's not very useful, lol.
This is why the site asks you to tell us where you live. You will continue to get 'bad advice' every time you fail to tell us where you live, sorry. Most advice will assume you live in the US somewhere. (There are 50 sets of state laws, even US residents need to give us a clue ) Notice that while all your helpers have varying degrees of accuracy, we all give clues as to our location, so we get good answers to our questions.
I honestly thought I HAD put my location in my profile. No way to edit that from my phone app however. I thought perhaps the Toyota.CA might have given away my Canadianess. Also, when you guys are responding to questions about toyota sites, you should try to refer to This site as "this forum" instead of "the site" which I assumed meant the toyota site.