Replacing burnt out headlight questions one of my low beams headlights is burnt out so I need to replace the bulb. It is my first time, but from what I have read it is not easy. I did a search and couldn't find an all-inclusive directions on how to do it. wiki-how has a long description on how to do it but no pictures. Another thread on here has a video of someone at the dealership taking off part of the bumper to get to the light. (See links below) This is different than the wiki- how way to do it which involves using a mirror and having small hands which I don't. So I was wondering from people who have done it: should you un bolt that half of the bumper to get out the light? Is it one of those projects that can go bad pretty easily and end up worse than when you started? Or does it just takes some patience? I have unpaid vacation next week and wouldn't mind saving the $100 plus for labor charged at the dealer. Let me know what you guys think before I get into a mess. Links: How to Replace Headlight Bulb on 2005 Prius - wikiHow video on bumper getting taken off to pull off headlamp assembly:
Its a nightmare. Just did it 3 weeks ago without taking the bumper cover off. Did it with the mirror. The video is of Carolyn owner of Luscious in San Francisco. Her video shows an exposed bolt in the wheel well that allows you to take the bumper off easily. My 07 that bolt is covered by the wheel well liner which involves alot of work to take off. Jack up and take the tires off etc. If your 06 is like the one in the video and that bolt is exposed follow Carolyn's lead and pull the bumper. Mine was also complicated by melted sockets which I replaced also. Real hassle and cut up hands. Tough job imho.
Regarding the bolt covered by a wheel liner, you can pull the liner back to expose the bolt w/o remove any tires/wheels. When I changed one my HIDs long ago, it was a nightmare as the stupid spring clip came off and there was no way I could put it back on w/o being able to see. I couldn't remove the washer tank either to make room. The round cover was also really tough to turn. So, I ended up having to remove the bumper cover. I had some help from two apartment residents that walked by, one of which is a Mercedes mechanic, apparently so he was quite familiar w/how cars are put together.
I'm so desperate I 'm considering drilling a hole in the round black plastic cover (which will NOT budge no matter how much force I use on it) inserting a steel rod and using the leverage to break it loose. Any opinions on whether or not this would work is greatly appreciated...I don't really care if the cover is destroyed as I - obviously - can get a replacement.
Halogens right not HID's? Are you talking about the black rubber cover behind the light assy? Are you turning it the right way? Counterclock wise from the back? Mine came off but it was a hassle as its stuck on there from the heat. Steel rod won't help as its mostly rubber. Only the sealing edge is hard plastic and thats up against the light frame. Take the bumper cover off so you can take the light assy out.
I don't know about HID's mine are halogens and my rubber cover has big ears/tabs so you can use those to turn it.
From what I recall of looking at videos and the manuals before (the owner's manual only documents changing halogens, not HIDs) is that what's behind the assemblies is different between the HIDs and halogens. The big round cover on HID cars isn't rubber but it does have tabs. The cover was very hard for me to turn. It was so hard, that I thought I'd have to remove the bumper cover to get enough leverage and room.
thank you for the replies. My car only has halogen and I am not going to bother upgrading How do you move the wheel well cover to get to the Bolt to take off the bumper. ? (Without wrecking it that is?) Mine doesn't want to move right where the bolt should be. Thank you
I just changed both of mine (2007 model w/ halogen bulb 9003), drivers side is much easier if you just take off the cover to the fuse / relay box and then it's much easier to get your hands in there. The passenger side can be done easily also. If you look at the black cover that is over top of the radiator remove both the screw / bolt closest to headlight and the next closest is a fastener, lift up slightly allowing you to move the thing which is in the way. I hope this helps.