I was driving along Colins here in Villa Park and I looked out of my left side mirror and sure enough a Silver Prius was a couple of yards back. I got a rush of adrenaline. I rolled down the window and waved back at him. He waved back. I slowed and he sped up till we were side-by-side. Then we waved again. It was so fun. I wish a light would have turned red for us, but I had to turn right, should have kept going. :wink: Was it anyone here? Brian
I actually got on the interstate the other day to wave at another 04 (Tideland). She was prepared, too, and I got a good beep and wave. Had to go to another exit to get off (luckily, not too far and in the general direction I was headed). If it was anyone here, it was the Thomasville Road exit off I-10 in Tallahassee. (Beep! Wave!)
I try to wave, or at least smile at other owners. Here in OC, we see alot of Prius, but they don't tend to respond as much... probably the SoCal mentality :-/ I'm a waver tho
First wave was last Tuesday in Orange County, on 91 freeway heading west. We pulled up beside a Silver, just like ours.
I've had my Prius since Monday. Yesterday, my fiance' and I went to get ice cream, then to the Lake (lake Erie) to watch the sunset. As I was getting out of the car, a elderly lady in the car next to me says, "fella, what kind of car is that?", I went on to say Prius, a Hybrid gas/electric. She said "It is very nice, good luck with it." I'm not sure if she was suprised because when I pulled up, the car made no soud, she had her window down, sitting in her car also waiting for the sunset, or just because of its awsome, unique, look. Today, driving back from the bank, going down a long hill, a car pulled up next to me. As we took off, it pulled ahead, and I saw it was a "first generation" Prius. I pulled up, and I got the "thumbs up" and then drove by. At the next stop, they rolled their window down and asked if mine was a hatch back. I said yes, it's a new 04. At that time the light was green, and we went our separate ways.