There is one available on the dash (above the odometer) and another one available on the multi-display (if it is still called that...I'm used to Gen 1 and Gen 2 terminology). Both are on the one-minute display and both seem to have the same timing (they add a new bar at the same time). But the funny thing is that they don't show the same numbers very reliably. Sometimes the MD display shows "100MPG" but the dash display shows 50 or 75. Sometimes the MD display has a completely blank bar. Sometimes one has regeneration icons and the other does not. They are sort of kind of similar sometimes, but not reliably. Anyone have any ideas? Bug? Measuring something subtly different? Thanks
Well, yes, I did. If there is an explanation, I obviously did not find it in the 100s of pages, or perhaps I just did not find the right keyword to use for the index.
Ohh okay. The Instantaneous Fuel Consumption Meter: (Display area with Speedo) See page 181 - A very simple display of the instantaneous fuel consumption meter displays the current rate of fuel consumption. The Hybrid System Indicator display (Display area to the right of the Speedo) See page 193 - A more detailed view of fuel consumption to also incorporate the use of the hybrid modes (Power, Normal, or Eco).
Interesting. First post that talked about the difference between the MFD (7") and the MID (5") Consumption Screen histograms. In theory, they should be the same.
Hi Peterjmc, Both of those links seem to go to the same section and the pages are talking (I think) about different displays on the MID. I'm talking about the 1-minute MPG display on the MID vs the same display on the MFD. But thanks for the pointer. I'll start with this and see if I can find and compare the equivalent page for the MFD. It really looks sometimes as though the two displays are on a different scale. But both have the same scale markings in both dimensions (25, 50, 75, 100MPG and 1 minute intervals).
I would have thought they would be the same, or possibly the larger one has a bit more definition and thus you can see more subtle differences. But the differences are not subtle. 100 (on the MFD) vs 50 or 75 (on the MID) for example. Has anyone else seen this kind of difference?
Unless you were in EV and in the split second between the MID and MFD the engine fired up so the MID, which updates a split second slower, has that extra fuel consumption which brings the average from infinity (no gas used for that 1 minute) down to 75.