thanks, but im looking to browse local inventory w/out requesting any quotes. i found a couple of local new 2012 3's, but they are both in blizzard pearl... im looking for winter grey or possibly black.
Kind of but no. True car gives u info about the car like invoice, what average ppl are paying for it (which is useful), and finds dealers in area. Carwoo is slightly different. U select the car u want, then carwoo contacts a number of dealers nearby. Then random dealers will throw an offer at u and you can counter offer. The buyer is completely anonymous but can send messages back and forth with dealer. No obligations. I just played around with it and wasn't serious until a dealer sent me an aggressive offer. So I arranged to meet with him and we negotiated an even better deal in person. Pretty much it allows u to haggle anonymously without all the BS. There's even an iPhone app too.
wife was happy with the visability in the Level 2 so we didnt pay for the 3. got it tonight and super happy with it
I just drove home today with a Prius two. Quite happy with base model. My smartphone is more than acceptable for navigation. Sunroof and solar fan thing are neat but too much money IMO. The sks for the other doors would be pretty awesome but its not that hard to press unlock twice on the key fob. Guess what also helped my make up my mind was they had the two in the right ext/int color combo and gave me a really great deal. Zero % financing is pretty nice too.
Avoid black at all costs...PITA to keep clean on a good day...impossible when the weather isn't cooperative...
2 or 3??? get 4. the 2 and 3 does not comes with Auto for the head lights, auto dimming mirrors, DVD, heated seats and more. Just bought my 2013 pack 3 yesterday and I just found out that I don't even have the auto headlight.
Yup, 2 is a great deal. Got it for my wife as she drives 20-25k miles a year and we only keep it for 5 years. As soon as I get a new car in the next 1-2 years ill get the Prius but in level 4, I want those soft text seats bad!
really? i always thought white or lighter colored vehicles were harder to keep clean. white cars show EVERYTHING that is on them. darker colors conceal dirt/whatever much better. why is this black so hard to keep looking clean? im actually thinking about going dark winter grey.
while the auto lights and mirrors sound good, i can do w/out heated seats and a DVD player. i dont watch many movies while driving.
Having owned 3 white cars and 1 black car, I can assure you that white cars rarely show dirt. Black shows dirt about 20 minutes after you wash it. Blue, gray, dark anything won't be as bad as black though.
I went from winter gray to black, and I can testify that black DOES show more dirt. If it was a pearl black, I don't think it would be as bad, but a regular gloss black shows water stains and everything. If you wax your car a lot, it doesn't make much a difference though.
I have to agree about black. My prius is my first black car. WAY HARDER to keep clean compared my blue and gray past cars. This is probably going to be my last black car.
IMO, the way the color looks > how dirty it gets. If you like the way blizzard pearl looks, get it. If you like the way black looks, get it. It's not that serious considering you can just wash it...unless you're one of those owners that let dirt cake up all the time.