RejeX: Nothing Sticks but the Shine! ----------this stuff works---great product and VERY easy to apply and get off ! Last long time as many big boat charter captains use this to fish and NOT clean and wax their boats.
Yeah, many on here have said they use RejeX on their Prius. I've been using Zaino, but am running low and was going to try something from either Chemical Guys or give RejeX a try very shortly...
Me too, I just ordered some RejeX for my new Prius. Boat owners and airplane owners also rave about this product. I'll test it soon
Rejex follow up... Just completed first time use of Rejex on my one month old Winter Gray Metallic 2012 Prius. The shine looks great and the surface is slippery-smooth... Now letting it cure for the 12 hr. period. Hope it holds up as well as others have stated... FYI Steve
I too applied first of rejex last night and subsequent second coat earlier thus evening (12 hours between applications). My car is brand new, keep it outside, and it's blizzard pearl color. I'll keep the forum posted on results..
It's been 3 days since I applied 2 coats of Rejex. The Prius is my daily driver and is parked outside 3 blocks from the pacific ocean so lots of moisture and dampness in the morning followed by scorching hot sun in the afternoon. Early this morning we had some serious rainfall and the car was drenched. As I proceeded to drive the water seemed to "fly" off the vehicle with a lot more ease. When I arrived at the office I wiped down some areas with clean towel. The remaining water in the car dried off and I didn't see that many water spots. My initial comment on Rejex..... seems to be really effective. 2 thumbs up for now
OK, so are you guys still digging your Rejex?? It's been 6 months or so since this thread was started and I'm looking at buying some wax for my PiP. I'm sorry to say it lives outside and I'd like to keep it nice looking...