I used to pay little more than $100 a month on Hyundai Sonata. (with Florida tag and address) now Im driving Prius two and my insurance went up by $50 after I updated my insurance. (with California tag and address) My insurance is Geico and I havent got into any accidents, no tickets. Is it because insurance cost more in California? or is it the car? SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
I'd be inclined to think that it's the state that's making the difference here. That being said, my insurance went up $10 when I got the Prius. I'm chalking that up to it being four years newer...
Welcome to California. According to my insurance carrier, the answer is BOTH. California rates are higher than most states and the hybrid part is an additional cost. True? Not sure, but that's what they told me. I pay around $1,700 per year, but I live in Los Angeles.
thats sad... I was expecting it to be go lower like atleast $10 a mo. We will drive extra slow what the hell?! Is saving on gas some type of sin? why the world doesnt help us out gling green? fml SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
What year was the Hyundai and what was the approximate value of the car? It would also really help if you broke out which parts of the insurance went up. My comprehensive went up, but then again, this Prius is more expensive than my '09 RAV-4, so the insurance company has more money at risk.
California shares a border with Mexico, the car theft rate is much higher than Florida and I'd guess the accident rate is higher also..........hence higher rates
Mine actually went down with the Prius. There are too many variable if you made all the changes at one time. It depends on the area you live; rural verses congested. What coverage you had verses what you have now. Florida's liability minimum are 10/20/10 (the lowest in the country) California's are much higher. How far you commute is also a factor too.
I've been with Geico for 3 years now. Every year the rate went up by 3-5 dollars. But $50?!?! Yes Im trying to save some money by driving Prius and someone else trying to rob me. It was Hyundai Sonata 2011 model and it was turbo 2 litter engine. Hybrid is more expensive than turbo in insurance?!? something isnt right. im about to shop for auto insurance tonight. I might go with AAA SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
I'm in Florida and have State Farm insurance. Same coverage and the premium went up $2 a month moving from a 2011 Toyota Tacoma V-6 double cab SR5 to a 2013 Prius v 5. Agent said impossible to tell why without access to the actuarial tables, but likely the increase was primarily in the accident replacement cost of the car vice truck - Prius "windows sticker" was about $10K more than the Tacoma. If I had bought a lower priced Prius my insurance would have stayed the same or gone down.
You're lucky if your rate only went up by 3-5 dollars a year. Most rates in Florida have increase much more significantly. With all the no fault lawyers and chiropractors on TV (411 pain, ask Gary, Ask Koby), every other commercial is one trying to get you to rip off your insurance company. Someone has to ultimately pay for all that fraud.
I live in Phoenix and when I bought my 2013 Prius and traded in my 2009 Civic, my insurance (USAA) went down about $10/month
Insurance rates are based on zip code and the value of the vehicle. Obviously the risk associated with the covered individual will determine the final cost. To put it simply, you bought a new car which is valued higher than your previous car. You moved to a different zip code which may have higher rates because of vandalism, accident rates, theft, etc..
The rate for my 2013 Persona is $327 for 6 mo. and I live in the L.A. area. This is through 21st Century. The rate for my 2010 Prius III which I just lease returned was $281 for 6 mo. I hate to sing the praises of an insurance company but they do have very good rates I feel.
Maybe they think your Psy and they don't like that you pulled the chair out from under a gal. PSY - GENTLEMAN M/V - YouTube
If you go to Insure.com they have a calculator for insurance rates...you can put in model and state. Car insurance comparison: The most and least expensive 2013 vehicles to insure | Insure.com Anyway they show about $300 more in CA vs. FL for a CAMRY LE and Prius is slightly more.