I just installed a Siemens 30 Amp Level II VersaCharge outside on our driveway. When mounted inside, this device can be plugged into a 40A 220~V outlet. Outside installations must be hardwired to a dedicated breaker in the service panel. I mounted a service disconnect mounted the panel, but I notice other level II chargers installed outside without a disconnect. Siemens recommends the breakers be GFI breakers. A convenient way to provide a GFI and local disconnect would be to use a SPA disconnect with GFI. The VersaCharge comes with a black face. My VersaCharge had label adhesive on it, so I used Goof Off to remove it. That also removed the cover's finish. I painted the cover gray using automotive bumper paint. We make lot of short trips from the house in a day, so we will benefit from the faster charge. And the extra capacity is there should we need it in the future.
It's nice! If I had my druthers to do it over again (maybe a good price on our used AV), I'd probably build my own from the kit that's available online. They're configurable up to 7kW ... and with newer generation plugin's more likely to charge quicker, I'd be ready to go. Our circuit is already 40amp, and the 3wires (only a 5' run) are 8 gauge, so the EVSE is our weakest link, if we ever need to juice a ride that can do so more quickly.
Good job with your installation. I almost went with the Seimens Versacharge, but finally decided to go with the Leviton 16 amp Level 2 charger. The Leivton met the Prius Plug In charging requirement, lower cost, and it simplified my electrical installation. My only complaint with the Leviton is the size (bulk) of the charger cord. I believe it's 18 gauge. It's thick, bulky, and almost non flexible. Worse when it's cold. Trying to wind the cord to hang below the charger, is like man handling a fire hose. Overkill for a 16 amp charger, and Leviton could reduce the charger cost with a more reasonable, cheaper cord. I read where someone here replaced their's with a thinner cable. I've resolved the problem, by storing the cable under a table. I only have to deal with about six feet and no need wrap it up. In your photo, your Seimens' cable looks thinner and more flexible.
Siemens makes high quality EVSE's. I don't know if everyone knew/knows ... but the GE Wattstation EVSE's actually caused several on-board charger failures (at least) with the Nissan Leaf. Nissan & GE fought about it for quite some time, as to whose hardware actually caused the failure. The on-board chargers are quite expensive to remove/install replace, so it's natural both parties would want to fix blame on the other. Evenutally it was determined to be inadequacies with Nissan's hardware. Strangely, rather than put out a service bulletin or recall, it was decided the older on-board chargers would not be replaced until/unless they failed. Therefore, I try to use the GE wattstations a LOT ... while I'm still under warranty ... just in case.
Cool, I almost bought this one, but ended up getting the SPX (the Power Xpress, not the voltec that everyone seems to have issues with) when it was on sale for $600 on 4/1. Nice install!
Update: The charger works as planned. With many short trips form the house, I get an adequate charge for many in 30 to 45 minutes. A full charge takes 1 1/2 hour as designed. This charging station will do a full 30A at~ 240V. When word gets out, I'll probably find a Leaf stuck in my driveway
Thats interesting to know. I have had my GE since the first few hundred miles of our PiP. I'm about to hit 15k miles and I'm at 49% lifetime EV with about 35% of that being on the GE. Point being it's seen some serious use. I havent had any problems at all with it and the delayed charge function of the PiP even works with it contrary to some of the reviews about it with other cars. I got it strictly based on looks/cord management and availability at lowes to use the 10% off new home owner coupon scam. I had mine hard wired by a quality electrician I know I can trust. I really wanted to get one with Smart Grid Technology built in as that was one feature I actually forsee being a future proof requirement.
it's basically just a communication protocol through electrical lines. It would allow a smart meter to know what power a specific item is using. Basically eliminating the need for a 2nd meter for those 2nd meter car charger rate plans.
Update. Over the last six weeks, the charging station has gone into fault mode. After some observation, I have determined this only happens with a bright winter sun shining on the face of the station. This dis not occur all summer, but the sun is lower in the sky, so the charger face has more area exposed to the direct sun. The face feels hot when this happens. And it happens even when the car is unplugged. The instructions warn about mounting in direct sun, and now I know why. It is interesting that the electronics fault out with only the heat of the sun. Remember there is minimal electronics in the station, it is not the charger. As part of my research, I decided to measure the station's face temperature at night, with no car plugged in for at least six hours. The face of the unit indicated a 10 degF rise in temperature! That is really surprising and indicates it consumes noticeable power when idle. I will have to connect an Amprobe to see what is really happening. Now I will have to put the station in a ventilated box to compensate for Siemens' inadequate design (my opinion). After all, this is an outside charging station!
The Versicharge has a 3 year warranty. You should call them to ask if yours is defective, despite the manual telling you not to use it in direct sunlight. [I agree, this is crazy for an outdoor rated device.] It may take a couple of weeks, but they will send you a new one to swap yours for if they determine yours is defective. [The phone number is on the box the Versicharge came in.]
Best deal I've recently seen is for the The ClipperCreek (very reliable) model LCS-25. Only $485 !! ClipperCreek LCS-25 | Metro Plug-In your EVSE Charging Source I don't know how they do it ... .
If only my HOA wasn't so impossible to deal with I'm afraid to even ask about an outside installation for worry that they will then try to prevent me from using my OEM charger passed under the garage door since I park on my driveway instead of inside the garage (too much stuff in there).