racial humor was just so five minutes ago, years ago, if that makes sense. It's just not interesting at all as far as I'm concerned.
Neither. I don't 'know' either of them. I was just referring generally to your post about the solemn people w/solemn expressions. The ones who I would assume lack a proper sense of humor.
See, If you don't watch "The Office" it isn't funny. Much humor requires a person to understand what the joke is about. Personally, I didn't get it.
I agree. But then again, 3rd grade fart humor seems to be big with the younger (21-35) set these days as well. I prefer my humor to be more cerebral. Fact is, my wife and I try to get the other person with subtle humor. The longer it takes to "get it" , the better. Hey Squid, does that make me better or worse than you! :lol:
...so then he looks down at his plate, and realizes it's not a plate at all, but all this time he's been eating out of his YARMULKE!!!
Dammit, now my wife and I are going to have to spend hours trying to figue this one out, GRRRRRRRR :angry: How about a hint. There has to be more to it Yarmulke, I am going to guess ethnic humor....Jewish?????
It was sorta funny... but that God! Damned! Fight song!! Here I was enjoying my new headphones, and that done spoilt it... We all bow down before you as the authority on all that is funny, Squid.
I guess you'll have to hold my hand, Squid. If you mean the fact that I declared it not witty, but then said humor is subjective, that's not ironic. The 'not witty' part is only my opinion (this is self-evident in the context of an opinion poll, and not stated to supercede anyone else's opinion). The 'humor is subjective' part is simple fact, in response to your statement that those who fail to find humor in that fictitious profile are humorless. Unless you are just misusing the word 'irony,' in which case, don't worry. It's an epidemic. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ok.. the office.. i see the humor... but it's not haha funny too me.. maybe that's because i've never watched the show?... yeah.. i guess that's it. It's america, i can blame anything on anything else
Stupid. Boring. And it doesn't come anywhere close to as good as the classic http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/