Date Ordered: 12/13/2005 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Fitzgerald Toyota in Gaithersburg MD Timeframe given for delivery: Mid to Late January Color: Black, dark interior Option Package: 7 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Unknown Back in mid december I put down my $500 deposit, and was given an estimated timeframe of mid to late January. In truth, the dealer seemed very, very unsure, and inspired absolutely no confidence in me regarding an actual delivery date. He was unable or unwilling to discuss details of their wait list, saying because the way they do things - he doesn't know. I stopped back buy a couple of times since, and was told ther couldn't give me any further details, which concerned me. However, I was then scheduled to go off on a business trip the week of the 23rd, virtually guarenteeing that's the week my car would show up. Also - my pre-approved car loan expires on the 25th (after which I have to get reapproved) - guarenteeing that the car will show up at the end of the week I'll be away. (The universe just works that way). This morning I was told my trip was cancelled. This afternoon the dealership called me and told me my car will be here on the 23rd, and should be available for me to pick up on the 24th (or 23rd or 25th). So apparently the universe is cooperating better than normal - but only time will time... -Ken
That's what happens, when I just, can't, in any way, shape, or form, seem to fit a comma, where it clearly, doesn't belong. All those displaced comma's start jumping up and becoming misplaced apostrophe's in all my other sentence's. -Ken
My was car supposedly unloaded in NY this morning - and should be loaded on a carrier for transport to my dealership shortly.... -Ken
Congratulations, Ken! You'll love it! You'll be driving one of the most advanced cars out there. ...not to mention you'll be saving yourself dinero by not spending so much money on gas...and making a small step in helping us make a statement on finding a better/alternative source of fuel.
I haven't owned a new car in 12 years. My state of the art (for the time) Saturn came with such fancy features as: * Power Locks (none of this key fob, remote open business - you have to put the key in the hole in the door - every time!) * A single airbag - guarenteed to break your nose if deployed * A combined tape deck AND AM/FM radio * etc... MPG improvements are always nice. But I want my new toy(s) damnit! =Ken
I wonder if it's stuck in port like mine. I was told delivery from 1/20 - 1/31.. then got a call on 1/26 saying it was still in the port. and probably no delivery until after 2/1 at least.. It would be NY like yours.... actually It's probably in Port Newark or Port Elizabeth where most of that ilk gets unloaded from the ships.
My dealer said mine was in Portland, OR last week but unsure how long it would take to get here. The best guess was by the end of the month. I'll be surprised if it only takes a week considering how LONG I've been waiting. Andy
Delivered at 2pm this afternoon, 1/31/2006. Was ordered 12/13/2005 Elapsed time: 7 weeks. However, since I didn't want it until 1/1/2006, as far as I'm concerned it took only four weeks from my preferred delivery date. Black (well, darkish grey) inside, Black outside, and with only 3 miles on it, I already know it's going to be a chore to keep clean -Ken
Congrats! I've had one heck of a time getting mine in Cleveland, Ohio. Has anyone been able to get one?
Congratulations! Today will be the first of many great days in your Prius! However, having waited 11.5 months for our 05 Prius to arrive last April, "suffering" through 4-7 weeks doesn't seem that bad! Enjoy!
I'll post the dealership details when I get home. I had the exact opposite problem some others have had with regards to floormats. Some folks don't want them, but find the car comes with them, bundled into the price. Me, I wanted them, and they didn't have a single set! And they talked me into the VIN etching for $50, but I resisted all the other silliness. Boy did they have a story for everything. Apparently all our cars are going to melt away from acid rain, so get your dealer applied coat of wax now! And they *really*, *really* pushed lojack hard. I will however stop parking under trees inhabited by flocks of birds. They were allowed to crap on my Saturn all they liked - but no more! The funniest part - when I was nearly done, the lady said "Oh crap, I forgot to show you this DVD." Knowing full well it was a presentation on why you need the extended warranty, all coatings, lojack, etc, I asked "What's on it?". She replied, "Just a boring sales pitch, if anyone asks, I showed it to you". hehe All told, it took two hours, most were spent sitting waiting for the next person in the chain to get to me. -Ken