Date Ordered: October 24 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Libertyville Toyota, Illinois Timeframe given for delivery: Jan/February Color: Salsa Red or any other color other than black and white Option Package: BC Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 6
position on waiting list Hi: Jsamuals put up a post in which he/she listed his/her place as #6 on the dealer's delivery list. I'm wondering how she/he found that information? Bob
Many dealerships are keeping paper waiting lists and if you call in to your dealership they might be able to tell you where your place in line is. Danny
Yes.....except for mine where I was told they didn't have the list readily available but would get back to me and let me know (which, of course, they have never done). :cussing:
Or, ... my dealer where the salesman says I'm #1 - I'll be hearing soon. Or, if I call on the salesman's day off and I get the sales manager, I hear I'm 3rd on the list, so expect a few more months since they're only getting 1 or 2 cars per month. :cussing: