I've seen tons of Cs all over the place, but yesterday saw the first one with a roof rack. It looked like it fit very well and was not the kind that has to be drilled into the roof. The person was driving in the other direction, so I didn't have a chance to ask.. so now I'm wondering what was it, where did they get it and how much did it cost?
I see someone with a roof rack also, don't have time to ask but at least take a photo, look strange je,je
Interesting.. But the one I saw actually looked good.. Very thin and sleek, looked like it was a good fit
here ya go Prius C racks…smaller Prius means more gear goes outside the car | Rack Attack Portland's Blog
What I don't understand in the photo (off topic) is the guy talking with the phone instead of using the Bluetooth je,je
Maybe it was the Thule rack, very thin bars. Has anyone installed one on their C? any effects on mpg at highway speeds?
Im pretty sure its going to affect MPG, i noticed a reduction of 2-3mpg on any car that I have installed a rack on.