these 2 problems has been troubling me for long time. Any suggestion is appreciated. it's a 2004 Prius with Navigation; i bought it used about 1 1/2 years ago with 100k miles; it has 130k miles now. I replaced the 12v battery with a Optima 12v more than a year ago. 1) this noise is there since i bought the car; i thought it was normal, but after i sat in other prius, i dont think it's a normal noise anymore. The noise seem to come from front, not the engine area, but more the electrical motor (my guess); the noise last for about 4 seconds (estimate), stops for 5 seconds, then starts again .. and does not end. (this happen when power is on or in drive; but if the car is parked, it does that too for a while before it stopped) . I had a different Generation II prius before, sometimes when the car is parked and power off, it makes this battery charging noise sometimes. It's the same type of noise. And it's getting on my nerve now. Thanks for any info. 2) The navigation system never worked properly. If i turned it on, the map or the indicator does not show the actual location of the car. It display another area completely unrelated; and somehow the indicator still moving as the car is moving. thanks for any suggestion FC
There is not yet enough information to give you much help. Does this happen while driving, or stopped? Any driveability issues? Is this noise the same noise that you hear when stepping on the brake pedal at start up, when the brake actuator pump runs? I don't know what is meant by "battery charging noise". There is no battery charging going on when the car is off. But sometimes the brake pressure pump (actuator) will run when the car is off, as when the driver door is opened, or the hood is opened.
the noise starts there when the car is turn on; it continues until the car is parked and power off.... after sometime after the car is powered off it would stop. other than the noise, the car drives fine or normal .... averages 44mpg overall from my experience of another previous prius GII: sometimes after car is turn off and parked; it makes this noise as if it needs to recharge something.... but it usually stops and disappear in a few seconds. But this current prius i own does it non stop while power on. not the same noise when stepping on the brake during power on .....
It sounds like the coolant heat storage water pump is running when it should not. Open the hood and listen in the area in front of the left side wheel, behind the headlight. If that is the location of the sound, then there is some problem with the pump controller. Again, nothing gets "recharged", it moves hot water from the engine to the storage tank to preheat the engine at the next start up. It won't cause any real driveability issues, but needs to be addressed.
nh70 ... thanks so much for the hint .. i will look into it ... If you know someone in LA or Vegas area who can fix this, i appreciate it ... f
Sorry to revive such an old Thread.... my 2004 Prius is now doing exactly what the original poster described. While driving and even when we park the car, we get about 4 seconds of Spinning Clicking noise, then it is quite for about 5 - 6 seconds, then it repeats infinitely! It continues to do this when it is parks for less then a minute then it is quite until we drive it again. Sound is definately from the Drivers side of the car.... Any clue as to what it is? The car seems to be driving JUST fine....
I just went outside to record it... I just opened the door and the darn thing started clicking. It was last driven HOURS ago.
definitely an odd sound, if not the brake accumulator or coolant thermos pump, perhaps the inverter pump?
I recall hearing that sound on our Gen II, but only heard after shut down and don't recall hearing it more than once per cycle of shutdown.
Soren that sound you recorded is the brake accumulator pump. It should not be running every 10 seconds like that.. It would normally run first thing in the morning when you open drivers door for about 7 seconds and run again for 7-8 seconds after 3 or 4 brake pedal depressions... It would seem your brake system is not holding hydrolic pressure reserve.. When regenitive brakiing ends at around 8 miles per hour hydrolic pressure from the pressure reserve tank is routed to the friction brakes. I think your situation is very dangerous.."No brakes" Has any brake work been done recently that could have caused this condition.. possibly bad pressure accumulator sensor got broken? Improper brake bleeding without teckstream computer to disable/test accumulator pump? At any rate the continous activation of your break accumulator pump motor will wear it out prematurely. Maybe brake ecu has gone wacky.. Have you had a dead 12 volt battery recently requiring a jump start. If so there is a chance that ecu is malfunctioning. A ecu reset would be a good think to try by disconnecting 12 battery for 3 or 4 minutes and reconnecting. This would reset all ecu/computers.. If ecu reset doesn't fix problem go to dealer immediately...
We haven't had any break work done recently or any work for that matter.... last thing we had done aside from an oil change at the dealership was last Feburary, we had a Hybrid Battery installed (ours finally keeled over) - we took it to a shop certified to do the work on the Prius. Head a dead 12 Volt back in March of this year - I replaced it myself and I've had an oil change at the dealership since then. Will try the ECU reset tomorrow when the wife gets home from work. Hopefully that will fix it.... Thank you for the replies everybody. If anybody else has actually had this same condition... let me know what you did/what it was....