My wife likes the idea of knowing her doors are always locked regardless as to whether she remembered to lock them or not. Has anybody figured out how to do that?..Is it possible?.. I didn't notice it in the manual?
This is one of those "What were they thinking?" holes in an otherwise well designed car. I really liked the way the doors locked on my Camry, too bad Toyota didn't carry it over to the Prius. The short answer is you need another mod. Coastal Tech sells one that may work for you, but I thought it was lacking. It locks your doors the first time you move, does not unlock, and won't re-lock. But it might be just what your wife wants.
Coastaltech has figured it out but it will cost you $65 + shipping/handling.
Just FYI, there seem to be a lot of complaints on PC concerning the responsiveness (or rather the lack thereof) of Coastaltech. Mind you, I haven't dealt with them personally...
Yes, and remember that they will be closed for the first two weeks of February (as mentioned on their site). Something about a new daughter. In terms of their responsiveness, it's a case of YMMV. If the product is in stock, it will come fast (some have gotten what they ordered in a couple of weeks. If not, well, patience is a virtue (plus you waited for your Prius so you have patience). They don't hit your credit card until the item is shipped so that's good (although I did hear about one instance where an item was charged, but not sent which may have been a case of forgetting to put the item in the box of a multi-item order). I ordered an Auto-Lock kit and NAV kit in April '05. I talked to Kelly in July and she said they were out of the auto-lock. I eventually got it in September and the NAV kit a couple of weeks ago. As for the Auto-Lock kit itself, it took about 35 minutes to install (my dad wanted to help). The instructions had several pictures to show what to do. As soon as the Prius went over 15mph all locks, well, locked. BTW, the one for the Gen 1 is more fancy, when the driver fastens their seatbelt, the doors lock and unlock when the seatbelt is unfastened.
ask naterprius - he came up with a module to do it, but decided to stop producing them due to either lack of interest or something else.
Thanks for the warning.. I just order two EV mods and talked to them on the phone yesterday, they said it would go out the same day but then they would be closed the rest of the week? I guess they celebrate superbowl early?
Some folks around here have gotten their shorts in a bunch over Coastal Tech but they have never been anything but reasonable and fair with me. Yes I ordered the Nav a year ago but they told me that it was prototyped only and would be a while. It is not something I need and I can wait. I would guess they are having the same problem Norm did with the connectors and that is getting them in bulk. Notice they raised the price but will honor the pre order price. That is fair to me. Given what Norm paid for the connectors for the Nav CAN View they are probably getting hosed on that deal. A tough thing for a small business. BTW the are having a baby! They will be more than busy for a while. If they have something in stock or active production like the EV mod you will get it in a week or so.
Well so far it sounds like thier slowness has been due to issues out of their control... if the item is out of stock, then they can't deliver till they get it first! Anyway, I'm giving them all benifits of a doubt... I ordered my 2 EV buttons one day, they mailed it the next and have already sent me an email with a tracking UPS #.
The website mentions that it will only work on 2005-2005 Prius but what about 2006 Prius package 8 which I have? Do I have to go to dealer to install it? Can some body please advise?
I believe the "I Agree" push still works, but the automatic screen presses that set the speed lockout override don't work on the 06. If you want to spend the money instead of pressing the "I Agree" button, that's fine, but don't expect to be able to enter destinations on the screen while you're moving. That being said, you can enter destinations anytime you want by using the voice command system. (You may have to try the street name several times until she gets it right, though! )