Turtle light??

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Allikins, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Allikins

    Allikins Junior Member

    Apr 14, 2013
    2001 Prius
    Okay so I was just wondering if anyone knows what's wrong with my Prius. I changed gears to reverse but the car did not move.. It kind of felt like I was in Neutral. And a turtle light popped up at the same time. I went forward and braked after about a minute. When I pushed down on the gas the car did not move again and the turtle light came on again. The car drove forward after a couple of seconds and the turtle light is off now. Does anyone know what that means? My coolant light has also been on for a while.. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
  2. SteveLee

    SteveLee Active Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    North Carolina
    2010 Prius
    The terms "coolant light" and "been on for a while" should never be used in the same sentence. You should not wait to see how long it will take for this to clear itself.

    I would start by checking the voltage of the 12V. So many issues can be be caused by a weak 12V. 12.6 and above is a strong 12V.

    These were some comments found on the subject. You don't say where you live or what temperatures you're dealing with but maybe something here will sound familiar. More information about the condition might help to troubleshoot it better.

    Turtle Icon

    The Turtle light is explained on p. 94 of my old
    2001 manual.<br><br>Basically, it's a warning light
    stating that the hybrid battery is in some diminished
    condition, so your available power will be limited. drive
    without hard acceleration, or pull over from that big
    mountain that you're climbing, or stop driving in reverse
    for that long distance, to allow the battery to warm
    up/cool down/recharge.<br><br>The turtle light will come
    on briefly when you start up the Prius, but should
    go off quickly if all is OK.<br><br>The reviews/test
    drive reports of the Japanese-style Prius
    (pre-North-American release), which had a smaller battery and engine,
    had several reports of the Turtle coming on, mainly
    on long uphills and such battery-draining
    activities.<br><br>Many people have gone up long mountain ranges and had
    the electric assist cut out on them, and not gotten
    the Turtle (where it's expected). The only reports of
    a US Turtle sighting have been when the Prius sits
    outside long in really cold temps (&lt;20F for a long
    time), and I think I recall one or two reports in 110+F
    degree desert driving. It'll take the Prius a bit longer
    to give you the READY light in this instance.

    Prius Starts but won't move | PriusChat
  3. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Short answer: get it to a dealer ASAP for diagnosis. If you are ambitious have them tell you all of the trouble codes that are reported, and post them in the "Gen I" forum.