You should know your surroundings at all times when driving. This is what prevents accidents, not knowing what you are going to do at any given moment, but what the idiot next to you on his cell while eating breakfast and shaving is going to be doing at an given moment. If I see that idiot behind me and he isn't stopping, I can potentially avoid the accident by moving over a lane and letting him rear end another car. I've actually had this work in my favor. I was watching the cars around me during a traffic jam and the dump truck 4 cars behind me either had a brake malfunction or just didn't decide to hit them. I moved over two lanes to the right and the dump truck took out the 3 cars behind me and the 2 that were in front of me. I know this is a rare incident, but it worked for me on that day.
ok, I'll try to answer the way I see it. My assumption is that at fault or not, we all want to avoid the accident in the first place. I see value in knowing who is behind me at all times. One good example is a car behind you changing lanes and accelerating, when you are thinking of moving over as well. Good to see them doing that, right? You won't always see the beginning of that move in a side mirror. Second, if someone is coming up on me and I think I might get hit, lifting your foot off the brake (or accelerating if you are moving) will lessen damage to both you and your car. If you want more reasons, I can certainly think of them.
Thank you all- I would like to assure you that I do look out the rear window frequently, and am a very safe, cautious driver. I only meant to convey that the fact that the window is not very much cleared by the rear wiper was not a concern for me, as I mostly use mirrors (rear-view and sides, all properly adjusted to minimize the blind spots). I am also really short and can't see much if I turn to look there directly (which is why I put in the back-up camera). I do want to get out of people's way if possible, and pull over for them on mountain roads as a courtesy, of course!
Rear wiper is backwards. Front wipers are forward(s). Rumor has it that the 2014 C will also be equipped with passenger and driver side window wipers and rear mirror wipers (moonroof equipped models only).
Yes, the wiper is offset to the right side for RHD. Toyota should have offset it to the left hand side in LHD markets. Originally we had a single blade alternative but we didn't like the way the blade went horizontal and let rain recover the window. So we did a double blade working side by side and that works great. No bodywork involved. If you are interested contact mahout for a list of parts and assembly or you can buy a kit for $76. Looks like the factory did it - and they should have. There'll be a video on you tube soon as it rains. Or we have a dribble cup. see "prius c increased rear wiper" on youtube.
Something is not right, My C 1 has a rear wiper. Could different regions of the country have different features on the C1? Also, my third break light flashes 3 times before becoming solid red. I have not seen this on another C yet? Anyone else have this feature?
Yes different countries have different options. But as for the brake light you need to get that checked out!
Hey, when there's a better way.... Those who live in wetter climates and exposed to vettes arriving at speed on the interstate think this is a valuable improvement. If you check some of my vids on VIR in the rain you can easily see that knowing one is closing at near 100 mph difference in speed is a wonderous gift. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. cheers.
That search phrase didn't work on YouTube, or on here. Can't you just post a link so people can easily view what you're trying to show us?