Hello all, I have a 2013 prius 4 and I would like to access music through USB. I have 2 folders on my USB. However when I plug it in, it does not recognize the folders and I get a list of all songs from both the folders. Is there a way for the system to read the folders and access songs from those folders only? Thanks.
It should , but don't think it will work like an mp3 player, like an iPod would. It is very basic, the owners manual will describe how the files and folders will be accessed. it may list the music, but don't expect it to read the mp3 data and give you details of the song.
I assume you have a usb memory stick you are using ? If so how are you putting the music on the memory stick ? I have a 2012 mod 2 with the basic radio and it shows the folders. However, when it gets to the last song in the first folder, it then starts playing the first song in the second folder.
I did a copy-paste from my computer onto the USB drive. I do not want any details from the songs or anything. I just want to be able to select the songs from a particular folder. Is there any specific naming convention I need to use for the folders ?
We don't have any issue with the folder names being displayed in our 2012 2. I have taken to naming each folder the artist and album name. It makes it easier for the wife when navigating the music. Also, playlists are easy enough, just name the folder whatever you want and put the songs inside.
You need to edit the ID3 tags for the prius radio to figure out what belongs in a 'folder'. The radio ignores all file structure on the flash drive. I use mp3tag, which is free and reasonably user friendly. I think the 'album' tag is what the radio keys on.