I got a 2013 Prius c four at the local Toyota dealer. They threw in the back up camera to sell me the car because I really wanted one. Now that is has been installed I'm not so sure I like it. Not to mention they scratched the car where they installed the camera. It's back at the shop now for them to fix the problem. I think the camera is not that accurate when showing where you are driving. Is this something you just have to get used to? I am mainly using it to see whether there is anything behind me not for guidance as far as distance or anything else.
It is depends on where they mount the camera and you need to show us a picture of the screen. The camera look down are for backup purpose.
People who can't see animals or small children behind the car... which should be all of us as the rear window is pretty high up.
If you can't see animals or small children behind you in this car, you shouldn't be driving, IMO. But hey, if you feel you need a back up camera, do what makes you happy with your money, if OP was really concerned about small children and animals OP should have purchased a car with a back up camera built it, like a 2013 honda civic. Once again just my opinion, don't get mads at me bro.
I know it's a lot of hard work to actually walk all that way to the back of the car before you get in it, but back-up cameras weren't around for us old timers. We actually looked behind the car before we got in it to see if there were any animals or small children behind it. I never ran of a pet or either one of my daughters, not even once, and I never had a camera until I got my Prius.
As another old timer but one concerned about running over living things, I'd note that many of them can move behind you *after* you walk around & look.
Note: I don't have a camera... I was giving an example... but you are both correct. After you check behind your car... your kids remain inanimate and never ever move...
You're absolutely right. I have no regard for running over living things. In fact, I've been doing so indiscriminately for over 30 years. Cameras: Suitable substitution for taking necessary precautions.
You have a very valid point. I forgot it's 2013. I come from a time where kids were actually obedient and had a degree of common sense.
Yeah, I'm lucky if I can get out of my neighborhood without running over some teenager that refuses to get out of the road.