I received an online alternate fuel vehicle survey from Toyota. It went through various different configurations of HV, PHV, and EV vehicles and asked you to select the configuration that you would most likely purchase. After going through the survey you realize the strong benefits of the PHV vs pure EV and HV. (Purchase price, total range, total yearly fuel cost) It also made me think that the next PIP will have at least 30+ miles of EV range....
I was thinking that my next one will be either pure electric or higher EV range Hybrid, so 30+miles would be a sweet spot, very appealing if the price is correct (as Toyota tend to over price them in Canada in comparison to US).
Interesting... It would make sense. Battery technology is constantly improving. Swapping a larger capacity battery in would be a relatively simple upgrade for Toyota to do to the existing design. Toyota seems to be into making conservative small changes to stuff that works. Which I like very much from a long-term ownership perspective. Who knows...if some major battery tech improvements come along...by the time my battery dies in 10 years maybe I'll be able to put one in that does 50 miles :-D
I wish, as a former Prius owner, they had asked me. Oh well, I'll be sticking with BEVs and hoping Toyota has some offerings in the future outside of select areas in California.