We all know by now that the rear speakers for lack of better term, really suck. I was wondering if anyone went to the dealer for oil change or whatever and pitched a fit about the speakers ... and if so -- did you get anywhere? what was your argument? I briefly mentioned something at my last visit - and the service mgr. blew me off ... wanted to bring it up when i go in for my 15k this time ... any suggestions?
Complained to my dealer and was told that speakers work. Explained to them that volume is much lower than the front. Tech guy pulled another prius and compared the sound and it ended up that all prius V speakers have lower rear volume. I was told to bring up this issue with Toyota customer service.
Ask them to have a Master tech submit a DPR (Dealer Product Report) for the issue. If they get enough they will look into a possible TSB. SPH-D710 ? 2
Gosh, the Prius was originally based on the cheapest car Toyota sold in the U.S - the Echo which invoiced under $10,000? Are you expecting some sort of audiophile system in a low end economy car? The last brand new mid-size Mercedes sedan I bought didn't even come with rear speakers as standard equipment - only two in the front - although I added the optional OEM rear speakers later.