My boyfriend (Good Gawd, how high school do I sound approaching the half century mark and he's past it but the younger teachers at my school call him the boyfriend as "you guys were holding hands..." ) and I did a 5K together today - my first ever and his first race since triathlons in 2005. We did not finish last and are ready to improve our scores! After an ex who told me that "you have diabetes and depression and no on will ever want you" and "you can never purchase land in New England on your own" I am disproving those awful statements. The house I am buying on my own and I qualify. On. My. Own! That is huge!!!! Almost as good as walking into the dealership on my own to purchase and driving out in the 2012 Prius.
Now is the time to buy if you can. I'm glad I moved out of MA when I did. I just picked up a 3 bed 2 bath ranch here in VA for $115,000 that I plan on renting out.
Congrats on all acccounts. You sound like my girlfriend (fiancee, whatever) when she introduces me to co-workers and stumbles at what to call me. We're both in our fifties and it does seem silly to refer to each other as girlfriend or boyfriend.
Agreed! My BF is in his 50s and I am rapidly approaching that mark in a bit over a year... but it sure is fun to feel 17 again!
Good job...if you keep running 5K's you will never have to buy another T-shirt. I use em for everything, PJ's etc. I am just starting jogging after resting up my foot all winter. So far so good.
Here's a race we can all do, the GR .1 K in Grand Rapids, MI: The GR .1 K, A World Class Race You Don’t Want To Miss | Friar Fight to End Duchenne