all of the sudden my smart key doesn't work properly. I used to be able to hit that spot on my door handle and the car would lock...then when i grabbed the handle to open the car would unlock all 4 doors. Not sure what has happened, but now when i exit the car and hit that spot on the handle to lock it, the car just spits out this long beep....and it doesnt lock the car....nor does the unlock trick work. anyone know how to reset that? thanks!
If you attempt to lock the car with a door ajar, a warning beep will sound and it's a long sustained high pitched beep. Maybe your hatch or one of the passenger doors aren't fully shut?
Happens to me all the time when my wife leaves her purse in the car (with the extra set of keys) If there is an extra key in the car you won't be able to lock it manually either jeff carey
haha..thats it. My wife had the car the other day and I know her purse is on the floorboard. Thank Yall!
Good to know! I didn't know leaving the second set of keys in the car would do this. I always use the remote to lock the car.
Yep. Happens all the time with me and my wife also. It's not clear why they chose to do that as long as there is at least one key outside, but... BTW, I actually have run down the battery in the fob (on Gen 2, 2007). I started to get inexplicable beeps after starting the car. Then I noticed the "key" light flashing. It's easy to replace with a standard hardware-store battery (not AAA or something, but one of the button batteries).
My guess is that they want to make it harder for someone to steal the car (or prevent you from locking yourself out of the car). If you have a key inside all someone would have to do is break into the car (or better yet just grab the handle to unlock the door), start the car and go. Sometimes the cars are smarter than we are.
My wife solved the key in the purse problem all by herself. She lost her key about a week after we got our new 2012 Prius 3. Of course it was not her fault - she was distracted while frantically running amuck up and down the isles during a SteinMart sale. Since a replacement key costs about $500, we are down to 1 key. But by golly, we don't any purse in the car locking issues!