FLT - Black Pkg. 3

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by tektoniks, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. tektoniks

    tektoniks Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2005
    Greetings PC!
    I had the opportunity to get the prius in the exact specifications (once again, black pkg.3) I was looking for this evening. The salesman had mentioned that someone had backed out on the car earlier. Was that anyone on PC? If so, could you state your reasons? Anyways I digress. After purchase I noticed swirling on the painted exterior and had them apply wax to the hopefully remedy this problem (keep in mind it was purchased at night). The detailer mentioned that someone had taken a brush to it earlier and that they were out of clean towels (note - using DIRTY TOWELS). They said that I had 24 hrs. to report any other problems I had with the vehicle. Now my question is, what type of recourse do I have if the swirls in the paint do not buff/wax/polish out? Any advice on how to handle the situation?


    undecided owner <_<
  2. Peter_C

    Peter_C Junior Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    I have owned three black vehicles at once, and swore to never own another one ever again. I had done the body work, prepped, painted, wet sanded, and buffed two of them. Yes most anything can be polished out. Get used to it, because you now own it. Black is darn sexy especially with dark tinted windows. Gently wash it often, and it should hold up for some time. Paying a professional detailer to polish every couple of years, will keep it looking good. Trust me the $300 is worth every penny. If you ever start to not like your car, take it to a professional detailer. Your opinion may change.

    Edit: Oops forgot the advice part. Get anything wrong with the car in writing. They may not want to do it, but insist on it. That way you have recourse. I have been jerked around by car dealers in the past, but all my paperwork was inline, so the issues got taken care of. Get the dealer to inspect the car with you tomorrow and have them give you a special form with what needs to be taken care of. They may do it while you wait.
  3. tektoniks

    tektoniks Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2005
    Thanks for the reply Peter.
    The cosmetic (issue) was written up and they have offered to detail it at my convenience. Don’t get me wrong I love this vehicle already, just somewhat concerned about the swirls not coming out after hearing one of the detailers tell me a brush was taken to it. Oh, and I agree about black being a sexy color. Whenever I can free up some time it's going straight to a tint shop:D