Ok I have searched through a few threads on here and not really sure I have an answer ( or one that I like ) I have a 2012 prius hatchback, I would like to add a class 2 hitch because most of my accessories have class 2 receivers, I do NOT plan on towing a lot or heavy items, just bikes or a kayak. I have also seen the conversion you can connect into a class 1 to a class 2 but usually they are a pain. It also looks like my options may only be class 1. any thoughts?
- U-Haul: Towing glossary I am not sure you mean Class 1 or Class 2, I suspect you mean 1.25 inch or 2 inch. Torklift Central - Toyota Prius Trailer Hitch|EcoHitch|Seattle|Kent|Auburn|Puyallup|Tacoma|Renton|Covington|Sumner|Bellevue|Burien|Enumclaw|WA
Torklift sells both 1.25 and 2 inch, but they are all class 1 hitches. Since Toyota advises you not to tow at all, there is no point in pretending you can tow over a ton.
Since you're not towing, the load on the tongue is the only factor. Keep in mind it gross weight so include the rack and load. Though my road bikes are only 15lbs, the rack itself is like 60!
I have a 2012 Prius and I got a class 1 Reese (ordered from amazon) and installed at UHAUL for $30. Like you I only tow bikes. So class 1 was more than enough. I have ordered the SWAGMAN xtc 2 RACK which works for both 1.25 and 2 in receivers. Amazon.com: Swagman XTC Cross-Country 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (1.25 and 2-Inch Receiver): Sports & Outdoors I have a 2007 HiHy which has a Curt class 2 hitch which has a 2 inch receiver. So the Swagman comes with 1.25 and 2 in adjustment on the rack itself and will fit both my Prius and Highlander receivers. I had a 1.25 to 2 in receiver adaptor which I returned back to amazon as it was wobbly and rattles a lot. Plus like someone mentioned having a adaptor reduces the tongue weight limit by 50%..
I think the main concern is the leverage of the load since it's now extended out further due to the adapter.
I have the same swagman and it kicks butt for my bikes. I used it with my G35(soon to be gone) ...so I need a new tow hitch...most likely a Curt with a 1.25.
I have the 4-bike version I use on my van and it is pretty nice. I like it much better than the hanging styles. It can be a little tricky to get all of the bikes lined up so they fit nice, but it's not too bad. I would love to put it on my Prius, but the rack + bikes would be getting close to the max tongue weight of the receiver (2" ecohitch if I go that route). I'm concerned about the leverage of the load on the cars frame as it sticks out a good 4' or so.
You're concerns are valid with 4 bikes! That's a lot of leverage! The 2" ECO-Hitch has the same capacity as 1.25 model, both are class 1 with max tongue weight of 200lbs.
Basically it's the total weight or load. The other factor that comes into play is the leverage if the rack extends out. So the only ways to control this is minimize the load which can be with lighter bikes and shortest rack as possible. My rack is 55lbs and bikes are under 18 each so I'm no where near the capacity. I'm not even half way. Even with my heaviest bike, 28 pounds, I am still barely at 50% of rating. BTW, all ways load heaviest bike closest to car. In the end, you may be ok with your 4 bikes. I am sure they calculated it with a safety factor...
I think you are referring to a class 1 hitch with a 2" receiver, not a class 2 hitch. The difference is that a Class I hitch has a lower tongue weight rating, usually 200 pounds and a lower towing rating, usually 2,000 pounds. A Class II hitch usually has a tongue weight rating of 350 pounds and a towing rating of 3,500 pounds. If you plan on carrying light-weight platforms on a 2-inch hitch, it can still fall under a class 1 designation. I plan on carrying 2, 80-pound ebikes and an ebike platform bike-carrier on my 2012 Prius, and that means I want a class 2 hitch with a 2-inch receiver, but no one makes a class 2 hitch for a Prius. Apparently, the Prius cannot handle the tongue weight. I could probably transport a single 80-pound load with a bike-carrier, but not 2 ebikes on the same carrier on a Prius. This makes me sad. . .