swapped engine last night and now the car won't start and gives me the problem of "transmission lock is abnormal, please park car on a flat surface and apply parking brake."
Well, in the hopes that you don't mind a little levity, and I'm sure more responsible responses are going to be along shortly: I wouldn't doubt those two events are related.
Hey there Mendel, actually the two are not related. the message is due to low voltage on the 12v battery. I have found not a single post that talks of this error code related to swapping the engine. only low voltage on the battery.
I had the charger on it all night and it still did not bring it up a whole bunch. the battery checked out at 12.88 but varies moment by moment. I am on the way to purchase a new one . when I shut the car off and began disconnecting the inverter and stuff, just for grins I checked the battery, guess what 11.56 volts and I didn't give it much thought until this afternoon. I put the charger on it and brought it back to 12.55 but still not enough. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/shorted-mg-codes-pulled-may-need-transaxle.124338/page-2#ixzz2Q4gOsitc
A just charged 12 volt battery will give falsely high reading. A short drive, or turning on headlights for a couple of minutes (something I can never bring myself to do) is supposed to "burn off the surface charge".
I went down to Orielly and purchased the $241 optima and still no change. off to the dealer to have them get it started. cheaper than a battery maybe. no worries. cheaper than 4500 for them to change the engine that I did in 12 hours with swapping accessories. start to finish.