I suppose that with the strong electrical fields generated by the high current and voltages of a hybrid, an external antenna is needed to get as far away as possible from the sources of the static generators. X
Yes. And now that the joke has run it's course and Toyota finally gotcha!, they will be going forward with their plans to produce cars without them.
I don't know man, I was just looking out the window....and I jut noticed it had an antenna. I've had the car for over half a year and I just noticed it. it's horrible.
I have adhd. I don't even know my license plate number, hell I don't even know what the back seat of my car looks like
Hmm, I always thought ADHD affected concentration and ability to remain focused, not observation. Apparently you have a variation of this disorder that does?
The point remains, if you didn't even notice the antenna for months, then how horrible could it be? (Assuming by horrible you mean an eyesore, which it can't really be if its not even something that grabs your eye). I rank the funky tail lights or interior dashboard as more aesthetically questionable, but I still love my c as I'd rather have it have a bit of odd character than be totally bland. To each his own though, and as some have stated, you can make the antenna a fin if that's more appealing to you
From an old persons point of view, I listem to AM radio, remember AM radio. My Prius has the best AM reception quality that I have heard since the Eisenhower administration.
Funny but one day, many months after I owned the car, I noticed I didn't have an antenna, and I saw a hole where it fit. I didn't know if I never got one, or some thief just unscrewed it. So I went to my dealer and they said it would cost $46 to buy one. I went to Pep Boys and got a generic for $14. Works great.
I can't post a picture, but it's a 3 1/8 inch rubber antenna, Pilot Automotive ant-009, and it looks slighly shorter than the antenna that is supposed to come on the car. It has several fittings to fit whatever car you need it too.