I don't think anyone mentioned it, but another big issue is that most of us leave our PIPs plugged in overnight, charging, and the Prius locks out starting the engine while plugged in, so a remote starter under that condition wouldn't work anyway.
It happens when we turn on the heat in California as well. Most cars provide cabin heat by recirculating fluid through the engine block, pumping it through coils, and blowing cold air over it. This is far more efficient than an electric heater, but it does mean that the ICE must run, and it must stay warm. If you have a commute of only six or seven miles, then the plug-in feature won't be very beneficial. But for a longer drive, you can start your trip in HV mode, turn the (electric) seat heaters on, and then turn off the cabin heat after the car has warmed, and you can then use EV mode. But if that approach is too complicated (and it is, no doubt), just let the car manage itself, and it will consume the electricity in the battery to increase gasoline mileage in your trip, even if its only a few miles. Even so, if you have the cabin heater running, it will keep the engine running and you will consume more fuel. So to the extent you can, use the seat heater over cabin heat. Here in California, when we have cold mornings and there is only a little most on the windshield, I defrost it by using the (electric) air conditioner, with the temperature set to the minimum. This prevents the engine from starting, but I would not recommend this trick in below freezing weather. Once your cabin has warmed, keep the seat heaters on and press the Off button on the Climate Control. This will let the engine power off. When you turn the heater back on, you'll see that the engine immediately starts.
The A/C button turns on the electric A/C but when you unlock the car or open the door, it immediately turns off. I thought of it not working too, until I stood beside the car and observed it...I have issues about the EV range too. I bought the car because of the touted 15-mile range. I take my wife to work which is exactly 4 miles round trip. When I do in EV mode, the engine never comes on, but it can only do 3 trips barely; maybe we should complain to FTC for false advertisement.
There are those that have gotten that range and further. Toyota advertises an estimated range of 11 miles and I do that and more all the time. YMMV
depends on how fast you're going.... if you go 15MPH then your EV will be 15 miles, if you go 45 it will be 11 miles EV, 35 MPH willgive you 12 miles EV
Actually kitty, If you drive at 15 mph on a long flat stretch of road most of us think you can probably get 24+ miles out of the battery.
Just got back from taking my daughter to work. Nice sunny Sunday, very little traffic. 20 mph. 20.5 miles all EV. .3 miles left.
Oh! I watch my rear view mirror more than my front windshield, so I don't hold up traffic. If need be I speed up until no one is behind me again. The only one getting mad is my daughter, are we their yet!
so did Toyota ever come out with a remote starter for the 2014 PIP? If so, anyone have the part number? Thank you !!