Still learning about my new car here - does anyone know what the purpose of the blank is under the power button? I know the one in the center gap/store hole near the 12V socket is for heated seats, on the left near the illumination brightness are spots for fog lamps and headlight cleaners...but the one under the power button is placed so awkwardly I can't imagine what you could put there and still have it be useful!
I believe it was used for a pre-scan feature in the parking assist system. That system was available in 2010 and 2011 in the advanced technology package, I believe.
I have a v, so it might be different, but my "ejector button" in on the left, next to the instrument panel brightness control/headlight washer button. I've not yet used it though. Has anyone used theirs??? I'm curious how high the passenger flies???
Did you ever watch Knight Rider? It's based on the same technology, but since the Prius can't talk (yet), you have to program the height that you want to be ejected to. You really must read the manual!
As others have said, it's the Pre-Support function for the Intelligent Parking Assist/Advanced Parking Guidance System for the 2010-2011 model years.
That's probably the reason they removed it from the center stack to a location, accessable, only by the driver. My concern, though, remains about how high they fly. I'd hate for someone to hit their heads on a bridge or tree limb when, all I intended was for them to leave my car.
I have a question about this blank to get it out? I would love to integrate a garage door opener and that's the perfect spot next to the start button
Mine talks. Reads me text me voice command instructions...tells me to prepare to turn...stay left...where to eat...take the garbage out...oh, wait. The last one comes from the passenger seat.
I've used it once, but you have to make sure the passenger side window is open( I don't have a sun roof) the seat actually tips the passenger to the right, and shoots them out the window. I believe the wife was about 18 feet off the ground,and landed 45 feet from the car..
So just in case anyone wants to know how to get that blank out I found out how. You have to take out the shifter, cup holder, radio bezel and power button out, disconnecting the wires helps but I doubt it's necessary. With that done take a look in the hole with a flashlight and you can see the tab you need to push down with a flat head screw driver. If the top doesn't fall out then, use the screw driver to pry out the top and the bottom will follow...pretty easy once it's done, just be careful with the trim pieces because they are thin and seem prone to breakage
To save you a lot of grief getting those blanks out you can simply pop them out from the front. All you have to do is put some electrical tape along side of the switch blank. This is to keep from scratching the surrounding panel. Then with a nylon glass tool (available at any glass shop or on-line) you just insert it and simply pry out the blank. Even a small screw driver will work but you must use caution to avoid scratches.
I always get nervous using metal tools...I scratched the dash on my first car and never really got over it. Keep meaning to get real tools, a plastic panel removing kit but never actually remember to order it...I guess I just gotta man up and get ovr that fear lol
I'm not sure why you would remove the blank..but I would just drill a hole in the center of it and pull it out with needle nose pliers