I just bought a 2010 Prius III, and I noticed the Multi-Information Display is dirty. I looks like they over sprayed Armor All when detailing the car and left a film on it. It's not on the clear piece of plastic in front, it is inside on the display. Is there a not entirely painful way of getting to that to clean it? It's cloudy and is driving me nuts.
I have the exact same problem with my 2010 Prius II. I took it to the dealer and he said it is about a $500 repair to replace the glass. They'll have to remove the entire dashboard. I'm also on the hunt for a more reasonable solution to this issue. Please let me know if you figure it out. Thanks!
I needed to search differently, I found another thread of people with clouded displays. It sounds like they are replacing them under warranty, unfortunately, I bought mine about 4k miles out of warranty. sounds like I'll have to deal with it for now. I'll be looking for instructions on replacing. I'll document it and let you know if I get ambitious and try to replace it myself.
I ran into the same issue of being out of warranty. I certainly don't want to pay $500 to have someone wipe off my glass. I'm still looking for options as well. I'll let you know if I find anything out.
There were many members that had mold growing on the inside of the display. Could that be your issue?
Spiderman, I think it's the same issue. It looks like that area isn't well ventilated and accumulates moisture which leads either to a film build-up or mold growth. looks like the only way to fix it is to take apart the dash and clean it.
Yep - there's no way to access the instrument cluster without completely removing the dash plate. Even then, if the film is on the right portion, that is a sealed component itself (HSI screen).
I had this happen to mine but fortunately I was still under warranty. The dealer removed the dash cover and then removed the lens and cleaned. I have not had a problem since. Have you gone back to the dealer or seller to ask if they will cover it? Cannot hurt to ask and all they can say is yes or no. Good luck.
I bought it from an independent dealer not affiliated with a manufacturer. I don't think they're going to cover anything. I'm going to call a local Toyota dealer tomorrow.
Yeah, I would definitely do that. JD, wasn't there a TSB on this issue? I haven't had the problem so I never looked into it...
Does anyone know why it's happening? I suspect moisture build up... Are there any long-term fixes? I ahven't heard of a redesigned HSI, and I'm not sure it would make a difference if ventilation was the problem. Sounds like maybe some air needs to circulate through there.
I understand your frustration.. reading the post of spiderman I recalled the little issue which I had upon taking my first command of the very old Panama flag, dry cargo freighter - this is the real picture what I've found on the display in my new "apartment" I was so happy and excited that time - to be - for the first time in charge - that this little "mold growing" never disturbed me during next couple of of months... now - the fly, which walks on top of my "Lady-in-Black" is my biggest enemy - definitely you have the rights to have a clear display
Mine started as condensation after a rainy period where I used a lot of AC in the form of defrost on the front windshield. My thought was that the duct for defrost was not tightly sealed and allowed the cold air into the instrument panel. When the dealer cleaned the lense I suspect the technician improved the sealing since I have not had the problem return to date.
How can I find out if there was a TSB? I took it to the dealer and they didn't mention anything, but I don't expect the dealer would offer that info up given they are busy and probably prefer not to deal with TSBs. Is there a TSB database I can access?
Look here: Listing of 3rd Gen TSBs | PriusChat Also try this site, you log in with your VIN:Toyota Owners Official Web Site: Service Coupons, Owner's Manuals, Service Scheduling And More