Sorry. I REALLY haven't noticed that in mine! My doors all make pretty much the same "Pink!" sound when you close them. However (comma!) the G3 is a helluva lot more quiet at the GAS station! I got 540 miles out of my last 10-gallon fill up. I can put up with a lot of ergonomic feaux-pas for that. I'm something of a G3 fan, but cockpit build quality isn't something that I'm really wild about with any of the Priuses. The HSD is great!!! They just had to make some 'economic' decisions to bring the price point down into the acceptable range.
Spaz thanks for all the info. The pics would be great if you have the time. I'm sure others would agree.
Dynamat on the door panels will lower the resonate frequency making the tinny sound more a thunk, also, a foam seal around the door, where it contacts the car when closed will make a large difference, or at least the bottom of the door, dynamat in the rear of the car, under the spare, or if no spare where it might have been will also lower the resonant frequency of the metal panel, and stop noise from echoing around the interior of the car.
My bad man...I didn't get around to the pics today, if it's nice out tomorrow I'll grab them after work. I had a friend of mine stopped by and asked for a hand lowering his car...needless to say I was convinced to lower
Don't really have a problem with noise as my other cars were a lifted truck and a convertible sports car, both with loud exhausts and in the truck, 33 inch tires. I have my tires set to 44/42 and dont mind the ride/noise increase since it is still less than my Eclipse and Tundra especially when both of those got 18 highway vs. 55
Alright, sorry for the delay but I managed to get some good info down for you to take the door panels off Removing Door Panels | PriusChat This is how I layed out my is WAY overkill, the center of the panel is what's important. Someone was asking about a cross member so I guestimated where that runs with the black bar, its up in that area and going in that general direction. The black square is the factory deadener and the red squares are where I put deadener. To get to the outter skin you will have to peel off the pastic seal. Be careful of the black sealant, it gets everywhere and stains anything...if it gets on the bottom of your shoe, you will ruin the flooring in your house...ask me how I know... anyway The red line is the sealant to watch out for. I'm not sure what the styrofoam is for but I pulled it out applied the sound deadener and replaced it. Don't forget to wipe down the area with mineral spirits or paint thinner before applying the deadener and use a 1 inch wall paper roller to evenly press the material to the door. This is what I ended up with. Sound deadener on the outter skin, and mass loaded vinyl backed with foam sheets hanging just under the inner skin...this killed half the noise in the car...
Spaz, thanks for the pics, finally got around to doing mine. Without your pictures I would have been lost. They really helped, big time. The only problem I had was getting the window disconnect, disconnected took a while to figure out that you had to press to release. I think it made a big difference. I guess that's all that counts. Thinking about getting mirror turn signal, running lights and puddle lamp. Still thinking through Again Spaz thanks for the help.
Has a nice sound now when you close the door. Sounds more solid. At least to me. Now to find someone who has done the lights in the side mirrows, with pictures, or at least a write up. lol Spaz again thanks for your help. Went like clock work, except I forgot to put a bracket back on and had to take the panel back off to install it.