I believe there may have been a thread but... I don't believe the Prius C has the (lighting) auto-off function of its larger siblings. Has anyone explored whether there is a way to eliminate this minor but nevertheless handy option?
i got this working (auto headlights) and am working on finishing up the how to writeup after I finish doing my taxes should be up by monday.
Can't wait for your report! Was it easy to do? I'm great with computer hardware but not so knowledgable when it comes to cars.
I wasn't aware that the larger Priuses had auto-off headlamps. My 2010 (G3-2) has the photocell, but lacks the auto headlamps. It's one of the things I love to hate about "my" car. Good luck with the mod! I'll remember this thread if I ever get a C-model.
It does have Auto-off headlights. If you turn your headlights on, you need never turn them off again for the life of the car. (Or in my case, until the mechanic turns them off every 10,000 miles) After you turn off the car, and open a front door*, the headlights will go on a timer. The default is 30 seconds, but the dealer (or an OBDII programmer) can change it to 0 or 60 seconds as well. *Gen 2 and the v, it is only the driver's door. Gen 2 defaults to 0 seconds, the v has a 90 second option.
ETC was discussing his Gen3 which does, I have never seen a c, so I can't say. (One car in 1400 is a Prius in MS)