Introducing: The Toyota Prius Solution [Moderator's Note: The link above is to The Onion. It's satire. This particular clip might not be safe for work, depending on where you work. If you are squeemish, don't click the link. If you do, don't complain if you are offended.]
Once again, advertising claims too much. It's not zero emissions. You still have to get rid of the dead body with each usage.
Organic carbon sources are however not included in the calculations of global warming potential when doing lifecycle analysis, so the Onion might have a point there. If however, as most states do, the state requires burial in a concrete vault to prevent settling of the ground above the gravesite, there would be some emissions there. The making of Portland cement is an energy-intensive process that does generate emissions.
I'm not squeamish. But I just don't think the entire thing is very funny. Kind of lazy humor. I mean making fun of the Prius? It's been done. And making the new punchline a Prius that kills it's owner? Well excuse me as I don't really laugh. I'm not offended, it's just not funny. That being said, even in unedited form, I like it better than the original "Game Of Life" Toyota Prius c Commercials.
Well at least then I can be a little more forgiving of it seeming like such a dated attempted at humor.
I didn't find it funny either, except for the last segment where the reporter said he was lucky to be on the list of media who would get to test drive the new Prius.
I wouldn't know. I wasn't into the Prius a year ago. I was just doing some research, came across the link, clicked it, watched the video, and LMAO'd. I though other n00bs might enjoy it as well. *shrugs* But given this little factoid... ...I feel so stupid and remorseful for laughing. Now that I own a Prius, I need to remember to shun any parody or humor directed at it.[/sarcasm] But I digress. Pot shots at the Prius aside, I think it's a great car and more fun to drive than any of my more recent purchases. Over 1500 miles later, I still can't wait to go for a drive.
I don't think that's quite fair! I thoroughly enjoyed those disingenuous Ford C-Max commercials with the Hybrid Games, even though they poked fun at the Prius. I LOVED the race up the inclined on-ramp. But the thought of the me and my family (or other persons' families) being stabbed through the heart and lungs just wasn't all that humorous, nor was the thought of a blender liquifying the remains and spraying them over the landscape as fertilizer. But being in my 40s, maybe my humor is out-of-date. BLEAH!
Yeah, in retrospect, that is a little messed up, but I suppose I must be too since I again started laughing again reading your transcription of the parody. I don't think age has anything to do with it unless I'm immature or, again, a little messed up.
No laugh away if you wish. It's probably the best Spiking through the chest, grind up the body Killer Prius humor I have ever witnessed.
I viewed it as a lame Monty Python rip off. Crunchy Frog/Indian Massacre skit (spring loaded bolt rip through your cheeks) or the shopping center designed by a slaughterhouse architect,(John Cleese) where shoppers are conveyed through rotating knives. Albatross
New Toyota SUV Holds Eight Passengers And Their SUVs New Toyota SUV Holds Eight Passengers And Their SUVs | The Onion - America's Finest News Source from 2001. Long-time Onion readers with a copy of "Our Dumb Century" would recognise the headline as New Ford SUV Holds Eight Passengers And Their SUVs, but with the same photo.
Some time ago I complained about the constant jumping from one thing to another in "The Dark Knight" to a friend of mine in the movie business. He told me, correctly I fear, that both of us were "no longer the demographic" for that movie. As to not liking this satire--I can tell you my sister would agree. She hates dismemberment jokes, even when they are solely verbal. And I have to admit I did not watch the video--my comment came just from looking at the still and description at the beginning. But I respect the right of anyone whose reaction to this video was LMAO to continue to do so, until he or she is completely A free.