My First Measured Fill-up

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by CaliforniaBear, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. CaliforniaBear

    CaliforniaBear Clearwater Blue Metallic

    Oct 9, 2012
    Northern California
    2012 Prius
    Plug-in Base
    We have a 2.8 kW system that had a production rate as much as 3.06 kW on a bright sunny day. It was installed March 4th. From March 4 through the end of March it produced 443 kWh.

    We've had a Smart Meter for some time. I can get daily usage by the hour starting in April of 2009. Our NEM Smart Meter (reports both in and out) was installed on March 16 so we now have the hourly energy, plus or minus, for every hour.

    We can get the day by day results for a billing period each day showing all usage for that bill through the previous day. For the present billing period PG&E has supplied 25 kWh March 26 through April 2. The cost calculates as $3.62 for E6 and $0.40 for E9 for those 9 days assuming we stay in the baseline which seems very likely considering the baseline is 12 kWh per day. March has been a sunny month, it will be interesting to see how December works out :)

    As for changing rates. We changed from E1 to E6 in March. When I asked to change to E9 they said it would be done on or before the end of this billing period. I certainly want to stay with E9 through the summer to see how its time-of-use schedule works out.
  2. devprius

    devprius /dev/geek

    Jan 2, 2006
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    We have a 4.94 kW DC / 4.31 kW AC system. March produced 571 kWh. By comparison, last December was 256 kWh. August of last year was 699 kWh. So you can see how widely things can vary. June and July should be our best months and will hopefully exceed 750. We live by the coast, so we get a bit more fog/overcast in the morning and late afternoon, so that reduces production a bit.

    I'm pleased to see that PG&E is finally rolling out NEM Smart meters to new customers. I just wish they would do the same for existing Solar customers. Before we had Solar, we had a regular Smart meter too and I loved being able to see what kinda of usage we had on an hourly basis. Hopefully they'll swap ours out soon. Did you have to request the NEM Smart Meter, or did they just come out and swap it on their own?

    We used to constantly be in tiers 4 & 5. Electric bills of $250 or more. With the solar, the max electric "bill" I've had has been $65 and that was in December when we had the lowest production. August produced a credit of $30. At the end of the true-up period in July, I predict we'll owe PG&E about $100 for all the electricity we've consumed over the year, plus the $13 a month meter charges for a total of about $250 for the year for electricity from them. We do have to pay the leasing company about $100 a month, but it means that I'm saving at least $1000 a year on electricity costs when you add everything up.