I have a 2005 Prius with the JBL sound system, but no bluetooth or navigation. I've previously replaced the head unit, and now I'd like to add an amplifier to boost the volume. I have an amplifier with speaker-level inputs. However, I had read that with the JBL package, you need some kind of filter or cleansweep. I know that the JBL amp digitally filters signal levels, sending the low and midrange to the woofers and the high range to the tweeters. If I just used the woofer lines as the input, I'd imagine I'd have a big hole in the high end of the audio. I found a dead link in this thread (Installing new speakers and amp. | PriusChat) that would presumably help me. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction as to the best way to do this on a budget?
Since you threw out the Prius headunit, I'd be tempted to also bypass the JBL amp. But since I don't have a JBL amp, my headunit installation + amplifier was easier than your situation... If I recall, it is suggested that the JBL speakers are not regular 4 ohm types. I do not recall where I found this info, but undoubtedly it was via a link on here. (In my own database I only found PDF's about how to replace the front and rears on a NON-JBL system). If they were, you could probably get a run of the mill 2-way cross-over on ebay ($10-15 for a used set, crossoverfrequency should probably be around 3000Hz) and wire the woofer and tweeter onto those. But this would just be a startingpoint, as I cannot promise this will sound OK. Since the setup was active (tweeter has a different amp from the woofer if I am correct), the efficiency of the tweeter vs. the woofer might be very different which means you have to bring down the tweeter with an L-pad resistor network. Or simply replace the speakers all together Edit after some searching: read up on more details here: 6.5" JBL woofer (86160-AC280) specifications? | PriusChat Beware it is suggested there are changed between 2006-2007... Rereading my responce: did I help, I guess not but maybe I did give you some things to consider/read up on.
Possibly from here? Prius JBL Audio system response, specs, and photos I'm about to pull the trigger on 6.5" components (MB Quart PVL 216) that are 4 ohm for both the tweeter and the woofer. Given the very limited 3-band equalizer on my stock '06 JBL head unit I'm a bit leery for the reasons you list in the unquoted portion of your post… but worst case I could return the speakers, I suppose. I also could try using the iTunes equalizer: How to set custom equalizer settings on the iPhone and iPod Touch It's 10 bands, but without immediate feedback since it'd be a process of setting an equalization setting, applying it to a track, syncing to the phone, running the phone out to the car, and then test-listening. Better than nothing.