Adding amp in series in JBL Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by PrioraSoni, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. PrioraSoni

    PrioraSoni New Member

    Mar 11, 2013
    2005 Prius
    I have a 2005 Prius with the JBL sound system, but no bluetooth or navigation. I've previously replaced the head unit, and now I'd like to add an amplifier to boost the volume. I have an amplifier with speaker-level inputs. However, I had read that with the JBL package, you need some kind of filter or cleansweep. I know that the JBL amp digitally filters signal levels, sending the low and midrange to the woofers and the high range to the tweeters. If I just used the woofer lines as the input, I'd imagine I'd have a big hole in the high end of the audio. I found a dead link in this thread (Installing new speakers and amp. | PriusChat) that would presumably help me. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction as to the best way to do this on a budget?
  2. R-P

    R-P Active Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    2009 Prius
    Since you threw out the Prius headunit, I'd be tempted to also bypass the JBL amp. But since I don't have a JBL amp, my headunit installation + amplifier was easier than your situation...

    If I recall, it is suggested that the JBL speakers are not regular 4 ohm types. I do not recall where I found this info, but undoubtedly it was via a link on here. (In my own database I only found PDF's about how to replace the front and rears on a NON-JBL system).
    If they were, you could probably get a run of the mill 2-way cross-over on ebay ($10-15 for a used set, crossoverfrequency should probably be around 3000Hz) and wire the woofer and tweeter onto those.
    But this would just be a startingpoint, as I cannot promise this will sound OK.
    Since the setup was active (tweeter has a different amp from the woofer if I am correct), the efficiency of the tweeter vs. the woofer might be very different which means you have to bring down the tweeter with an L-pad resistor network. Or simply replace the speakers all together :)

    Edit after some searching: read up on more details here: 6.5" JBL woofer (86160-AC280) specifications? | PriusChat Beware it is suggested there are changed between 2006-2007...

    Rereading my responce: did I help, I guess not :D but maybe I did give you some things to consider/read up on.
  3. shikataganai

    shikataganai Junior Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    2006 Prius
    Possibly from here? Prius JBL Audio system response, specs, and photos

    I'm about to pull the trigger on 6.5" components (MB Quart PVL 216) that are 4 ohm for both the tweeter and the woofer. Given the very limited 3-band equalizer on my stock '06 JBL head unit I'm a bit leery for the reasons you list in the unquoted portion of your post… but worst case I could return the speakers, I suppose.

    I also could try using the iTunes equalizer: How to set custom equalizer settings on the iPhone and iPod Touch

    It's 10 bands, but without immediate feedback since it'd be a process of setting an equalization setting, applying it to a track, syncing to the phone, running the phone out to the car, and then test-listening. Better than nothing.