Is there a way to get good quality when streaming music through bluetooth? I am not expecting CD quality mind you but something reasonable. I am using samsung galaxy S3. when I first tried the bluetooth music, I was using google play and it was horrible. I then switched to doubleTwist player on the phone, I remember getting a passable music quality. I can't reproduce that again. So I know there is a way put I can't put my finger on it. Any help appreciated.
This is weird. My wifes S3 doesn't have any issues connecting through bluetooth. Have you tried another phone? Have you tried your phone on another car? I would try these two things, because something isn't right.
my iphone 5 and the C bluetooth works fine and seamlessly. i dont think you would be able to tell the difference between the bluetooth and cable connection
The connection is fine, I can use the phone, internet, music all over bluetooth. It is just that the quality of music I am getting is horrible. I will try my wife's iphone and see if the quality issue is there. For now, I am stuck with pandora.
Check Google Music's settings. It could be streaming a lower quality if it is not charging or pulling from over WiFi. I have an SGS3 (although I rooted it and have all kinds of cool modifications) and I use Google Music just fine daily.
Mine is rooted too. I actually gave up on Google music and put all the songs on the SD card so it is not pulling from network. I am using doubleTwist now. Agreed. But the songs are streaming through bluetooth. I don't know the bandwidth but it looks like something (either on the car's end or the phone) is downsampling it. Will have to check with an iphone to see which one is the culprit.
The songs are streaming through bluetooth, but Pandora is streaming through the internet and bluetooth. My guess is that you either have the stream quality set to low as mentioned by Netineti or that there is something wrong with your bluetooth on your phone.
I have to apologize, I found the issue and it had nothing to do with the car's stereo. It was apparently a bug in the version of the OS I had on my phone. Took a while to figure out but all is fine now. Thanks a lot for your help. On a side note, I used to drive a volvo s60 before the PC and the audio quality in PC is nowhere near that of the volvo. You would think that at trim level 3 they would put something decent in there. My only complaint with the car so far, otherwise enjoying every bit of it.