Just curious what people use per month. I have a special situation where I run server farms out of my house, so my server and PC equipment are the majority of my bill. On average I use 56KWh a day. Last month I used 1801KWh of electricity alone. My water heating and house heating is all natural gas.
With an all-electric home (natural gas not available) and enormous seasonal variation in the heating load, I keep track by annual use, not daily. For the past 12 months, my house has burned just under 6800 kWh (18.6 per day). In the decade before serious conservation efforts started seven years ago, it burned almost 10900 kWh/year (29.9/day). Changes include more efficient appliances (clothes and dish washers, refrigerator, TV), considerable air leak reduction (filling gaps around electrical boxes on ceiling and exterior walls), ductless heat pump (offsetting most use of in-wall electric blowers), heat-shrink plastic layer inside many windows (aluminum frame) during winter, better use of winter solar heat gain (remove screens and wash south windows at the start of winter), replaced leaky porch slider door, weather resistant cat door and dryer vent cap, turning off phantom loads when unused (computers, broadband modem, printer wall wart, most other wall warts), ... Much lighting use was already CFL prior to this effort, but that has now been pushed to nearly 100% (now including some LEDs). Increased time away has also cut usage. Without travel, it would probably use closer to 8000 kWh/year. Next improvements: heat pump water heater (old unit was moved to a proper HPWH location last week), newer chest freezer, and upgraded floor insulation (2/3rds done now, to be finished after some plumbing work). The ceiling insulation is now up for a serious review, along with inspection for remaining air leaks.
Looks like we average about 500 kwh/month. We have natural gas heat, cooking and clothes dryer. Low of 360kwh last May, high of 726 last August. 6 months were under 400 kwh/month You are doing good, Fuzzy1
Our house is small and we use about 12kWh per day. Looks like using the Prius Plug-in is going to add 4 or 5 kWh per day to that.
That many gWh would allow my Pip to go 5.5 gigamiles. Now if only there were a way to harness that kind of electricity and direct it into the PiP battery.
we use 5-600/mo. 3,000 sq. ft., 3 people, electric stove, well water, central air, oil heat and hot water, propane dryer, very shady yard, incandescent lighting and pip.
My average for the past year is 436kwh/mo with a high of 739 (central A/C) and a low of 331. I have gas heat, cooking and dryer, but I have been charging the PIP since last October, so I'm doing pretty good. Putting a lot of stuff on power strips helps, too.
in the past 12 mos: High: 69KWH per day in July Low: 27.3KWH in October Natural gas heat & hot water. All the rest electric. Seven persons in the house and someone always here. I'll be glad when the extra 6 persons (daughter and her family) move out and usage plummets (except for the dog watching soap operas and posting on FB while I'm at work).
Holy crap! If you lived in ripoff PG&E land, according to Understand Your Electric Charges, your bill would be over $513 on a non-TOU plan. Try putting in 95136 zip code, gas and no for CARE. The calculator is too low as each time I've checked, it doesn't include taxes and fees. In the past 12 months, it looks like I've been doing from 251 kwh per month to a high of 379 kwh per month. There seem to be some rounding or slight discrepancies from the graph I attached and another view. Water heater and furnace are gas but dryer and stove are electric. I switched over to a TOU plan now (E-6 Smart) a few months ago. It's just me, myself and I in a ~2500 sq ft house (long story). If I were working, I'd be using a lot less electricity instead of being at home a lot on the computer or watching TiVo. During winter, I live almost like an Eskimo at home (as someone else put it) as heating the whole house w/the furnace gets real spendy (again, ripoff PG&E doesn't help).