2003 Prius Stuck between 2 coconut trees for 3 months now, Need some help!!

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by jonathan T, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    HI All you Prius Enthusiasts!!!

    I am very grateful to have found this forum as i am the only Prius owner on this island!!
    Ok i am in a real pickle, My Prius has been stuck for over 3 months now in between 2 coconut trees (i am not even joking!!) and am scratching my head as what to do next.
    I am posting here but think i will also copy and post as new question.
    Let me try to be brief(its going to be hard!lol)
    I am an American on a tiny island in the south Pacific in a country called the Kingdom of Tonga doing long term missionary work.
    Gas here is $8.50 a gallon, so i thought i was slick to ship my 2003 prius over.
    OK 3 months ago, i by accident burnt my only master key in a brush fire, i know like DUH!
    There is no mechanics, nor equipment on the island that can even come close to understanding what to do or what a Prius even is(but boy can they crack open coconuts good!!).
    So after much research i purchased a new ECU Immobilizer and Ignition kit and had it hand delivered over by a incoming friend . (You guys are so flippin blessed with fed x, ups, etc.... as shipping from anywhere takes 5 to 8 to NEVER, in getting here!!)
    Ok installed the new Kit and put the key in and the immobilizer light turned off when i inserted the key, and turned back to blinking when i took it out, but did not start and the Triangle of death indicator light came on, along with P.S (as i recall?) and Main Battery light.
    So after much research and seeing a utube video of Prius King revamping a Hybrid battery (thank you Prius King for the confidence and videos!!) I purchased 4 used battery modules and a used ECU Battery assy computer along with a new orange wiring harness, because when i checked my Hybrid battery 4 modules were reading Negative readings! (The other 34 batts were reading 7.6 volts, the 4 replacement mods are reading 7.3v, and 7.4 volts). The Ecu Computer had a electrical fire in it and the wiring harness coming out of the ECU Batt assy computer melted and wires fried etc..... ( i have a theory as what possibly happened here but not sure, The day i burnt the key in the brush fire the Prius was 15 feet or so from the fire. What i am thinking is: could battery numbers 34-38 being closet to the passenger side and the fire get heated up and short from the heat and fry the batt assy and wiring harness??)
    Anyway after another 4 weeks i just got my 4 used mods, and other ECU batt assy computer and wiring harness, and installed it in the prius and this is what happened:
    ~I put the key in and the Immobilizer light turned off.
    ~ I turned to start the car
    ~ i heard what i think is a normal click sound from the hybrid battery
    ~ But car does not start???
    ~ No Triangle of Death Indicator light is on
    ~ No Main Battery light is on
    ~ NO P.S. Light on
    ~ There is a check engine light on, But thats been on for ages i think its because the A/C is gone, but that could be wrong, but i dont think it is due to no start issue
    ~ There is a low collant light on
    ~ The fuel light is blinking on the last bar, but i know this is not correct as the gas tank is full???
    ~ I believe the ready light turns on but i have to double check that
    ~ The battery level on the Energy monitor screen shows low but not empty
    ~I moved the shifter thru some gears to see if it would roll, Nope
    ~Tried restarting, NOPE
    ~ I then turned off and pulled the main disconnect on the Hybrid battery and tried to start car to see what it would do, Triangle of Death came on.
    ~ Then turned key off and put hybrid disconnect back in and Turned Key on and Triangle of Death was still on.
    ~Then unplugged 12volt battery and plugged back in and tried to start car again, did not start but the triangle of Death indicator was off.
    With my incoming parts from the usa I purchased a cheap scanner U480
    ~plugged that in and scanned and got no codes at all
    ~ But then when looking at I/M readiness status (which i dont really understand) i got:
    MIL off
    and then i scroll around and it says:
    HO2s Not ready, O2S Not ready, evap not ready/ Cat not ready
    Hdm N/a, 2air n/a, a/c N/a, Egr n/a
    Under Ready it states Misfire, fuel and CCM
    ~ Then i went to the fuse box to see if i could see anything there.
    Moved around some relays, (i knew the horn relay was working so moved that around to all other spots) Nada
    OK So i am scratching my head at what to do Next???
    There are no parts on this island so anything i need to get needs to be shipped in , so i am praying i dont need parts!!
    My wife has been a real sport with all this as are transport has been my scooter. I should send a photo of Her, our new baby (9 months old) bundled and strapped to my wife and myself cruising down the road trying to avoid the massive pot holes, 22,000 pigs and carrying our papaya baskets and coconuts back home!!
    Ok i look forward to the informative replies and want to thank you all in advance .


    Jonathan T
    m.wynn and Andyprius1 like this.
  2. brucepmiller

    brucepmiller Member

    May 31, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    You posted this in the wrong forum. Use the search box and you'll find plenty of people who've had the exact same problem. Good luck!
    BCP likes this.
  3. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    Hi Bruce
    Where am i suppose to post this type of issue?
    Not Sure?
  4. brucepmiller

    brucepmiller Member

    May 31, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Look by date - April 1. Or the New Yorker. You have talent!
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i think gen I is the correct forum, unless someone already moved it here. all the best!
  6. usnavystgc

    usnavystgc Die Hard DIYer and Ebike enthusiast.

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Please post a pic of the Prius between the two coconut trees.
    genetiix, chaotic and dogfriend like this.
  7. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    I will take pics for your entertainment when i go the bush on Monday. Now my question is this: If i replaced the ECU Immobilizer and lock cylinder, what do i need to do (if i need to do?) anything else to link the new ECU Immobilizer to the car? I was told i need to Auto Register mode the ECU Immobilizer to Car? Do you have exact details of that procedure?
    I will also play around with the shifter to make sure it is in Park.
    I was thinking the Immobilizer was installed correctly because when i put the key in, the flashing indicator light goes out, but when i take the key out , the indicator light flashes again, like the immobilizer is active?
    Thoughts anyone??
  8. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    First let's edit down to just the Prius symptoms:
    Step 1 - Diagnosis
    1. Get a Prius aware scanner - this morning I found the mini-VIC with the right software driver works perfectly fine with a 2003 Prius. It is sold via Ebay. You will need a Windows XL operating system. But it does look like a pirated copy of TechStream. Other alternatives:
      • ScanGauge ($150 USA) - with XGAUGEs you can read out critical metrics and the codes from the primary ECUs, engine, battery, and hybride.
      • AutoEnginuity ($500 USA) - needs a Windows operating system with TechStream capabilities.
    Without a good scanner, we can not tell if any of ECUs are working or just sitting there quietly complaining with no one listening to them.

    Step 2 - Diagnostic Map
    • Volume 1 of the Prius Maintenance Manual is critical. This is the one that translate the codes and information from the scanner into a list of probably failure modes.
    • Electrical diagram manual in case there remain additional body-wires that need to be traced.
    • Volume 2 of the Manual set has the actual repair steps but without a good diagnosis and no spare parts, not a whole lot of use.
    I am concerned that the car did not move after shifted into "N". Make sure the parking brakes are not set or rusted. Alternatively, lift the front tires and see if turning one causes the other to turn the opposite direction (aka., parking paw is set, differential is OK.) There is a thread where someone discusses the problem of getting the shifter-lock to release the parking paw and allow shifting. But if the engine never runs, leave this as a future problem to resolve.

    The fire in the battery compartment is an unresolved problem. It is impossible to know if that critical system is running without using a Prius aware scanner to communicate with it.

    Bob Wilson
  9. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    Hi Bob

    First thank you very much for taking the time to go through my post and edit it to boot!!
    And the clear path to success.

    Ok So i need to clear the :"I moved the shifter thru some gears to see if it would roll, Nope"
    What i ment by that is Put it into gear to see if the engine (electric mostly) was on and see if the car moved with the engine.

    OK a few questions:

    When i installed the Immobilizer and New cylinder lock Ignition kit, i did not do anything to try and link the new kit to the car, as i wasnt sure if i needed to do that.
    Do i need to link the new ECU Immobilizer to the car? I am now told i need to Auto Register mode the ECU Immobilizer to Car? Do you have exact details of that procedure?
    I was told to take a paper clip and link port 4 of the obd to port 5 lower obd, and have the car on for 30 minutes?
    Now when i go to where the car is on monday i will check to see if the ready light comes on.
    I know when i put the key in the ignition, the flashing immobilizer light goes of and when i take it out it starts to blink again, any comments?
    Is there anything procedures i can go thru i guess blindly with out a scanner to see if we can

    get the vehicle started??

    I ask because it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get the scanner out here and i really am trying to get

    my car working asap and am on a tight budget.

    Now if it turns out that i do need the scanner, can you send me the link to the particular scanner you mentioned, cheapest one that will work.
    Also i am assuming i dont need to plug it in to a computer with wifi at the vehicle correct?
    As there is no electricity nor wifi within 10 miles.

    Do you have this diagnostic map that you can share with me?
    As well as Volume 2 of repair procedures?
    Also Bob if when i plugged the Rebuilt Hybrid batt in and the triangle of death, main battery light, went off, as well as seemingly normal clicking sound when i try to start, as well as the The battery level on the Energy monitor screen shows low but not empty, wouldnt that indicate that the hybrid batt is working properly??

    Ok look forward to your reply
    And once again thank you!!


  10. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    You are in an area I have no experience. I've seen various posting about this but not having done it myself, I'm loath to speculate.

    The 12V battery in the car . . . bring a spare, fully charged. The ScanGaugeII uses the car 12V. The others have a USB interface and take power from the computer, typically a laptop.
    When I bought our first Prius, I ordered the three manuals at the same time. They arrived shortly after I got back. But I soon realized I would need a scanner to tell what was going on. But the diagnostic manual is driven by the codes from the computers, codes read by the scanner.

    Unlike ordinary cars, the Prius is more a collection of computers that operate the systems. Trying to understand what is going on from noises is risky. This is where a scanner is key.

    Bob Wilson
  11. 3prongpaul

    3prongpaul Hybrid Shop Owner, worked on 100's of Prius's

    Jul 18, 2010
    Boulder Hybids, Boulder, CO
    2006 Prius
    When you tried starting did the READY indicator light?

    If not, try this;

    To mate the HV ECU to the immobilizer you need to:

    -ensure the 12V battery is fully charged , perhaps even "jump" another battery to the existing one.
    -Turn key to ON position (not start)
    -Wait at least 30 minutes (this is why you need a healthy battery)
    -Turn key off.
    -Turn key on. Car should READY up.

    No need to jump any pins with paperclips etc.
  12. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    Hi Paul

    Thanks for weighing in here.
    Ok tell you truthfully i am not sure if the ready light turned on, i know most of the warning indicators turned off(triangle of death, main batt and PS warnings).
    And i know that the Immobilizer flashing light stops flashing when i put the key in and then flashes again when i take the key out.
    I know i heard a click sound coming from the Hybrid battery, which i think i heard a lot when the car starts up.
    I believe the person who told me to do the paper clip from port 4 to 5 off the obd say's it re flashes the ICE?
    But i will go out today or tomorrow and note all that i see and do the below procedure.
    I have my generator out there and a battery charger so i will fire that up and do the 30 minute procedure.
    If there is anything else you can glean from all the posted above information that you feel is necessary to tell me, please do.

    Thanks for your time and help!


  13. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    HEY HEY HEY, The Tank is back!!= Prius has started and ran for over 30 minutes no problem!!!!
    Thank you Paul!! thank you Bob! and for all the other Prius Enthusiasts for all the great info on posts!!!
    Ok let me tell you what i did so others can glean.
    So Paul i took your advice and mated the immobilizer to the ICE by hooking up the 12v battery to batt charger via generator and leaving the key in the on position for 30 minutes, then turned of and it fired right up and stayed on!!!!
    I never had to do bridge the upper port 4 to lower port 5 thing on the obd.
    Now i have some questions / figures to run by you anybody feel free to weigh in:

    1: From your experience when you rebuild a gen 1 pack by just replacing a few batteries to make it work, how long can/ do they last? I know that might be hard as every circumstance will be different, just give me your experiences etc......

    2: Do you find many batteries start to fail afterwards from a batt rebuild?

    3: i took a reading of the charging port on the Hv batt bank, i got 288 volts before i started the engine. Then after the engine running for 20 minutes i got 296 volts. Can you tell me anything from these figures?

    4: With my cheap u480 scanner i did get a dtc code after the car started up: it gave me a generic code of : P0301 which says Cylinder 1 Misfire detected. Now when it first started up it was a bit rough for like 5 seconds (mind you that is after not starting for 3 months). Now i cleared the code and restarted again to see if it would throw the same code, it did not and started up perfect on 2nd, 3rd try. Any comments there?

    5: Do the hybrid batts loose electrolyte, and if so before i bolt the batt in is there a way to refill or better maintenance the batts so they last longer?

    6: I have a friend who is traveling to American Samoa via boat who is willing to pick up stuff for me and sail it back to Tonga as shipping over to American Samoa via post office is reasonably priced and relatively fast. With that said can you guys weigh in from your experiences of parts and or maintenance items that you would have on hand that i would most likely need in the future? The Prius is a 03, with 127,000 miles on it.
    Now i am on a tight budget, but i cant have my car go down for another 3 months, that was brutal!!

    7: Now look i know this is funny, but i really do use the prius as a semi work truck, i mounted a roof rack on it and i have to go on a rough dirt road for about 1 mile twice a day. with that said
    is there an easy way to lift the prius up a bit to give more clearance?

    8: I know this is also funny, but i need to put a trailer hitch on the prius for a light wait trailer, does anyone have experience in best way to do this?
    OK i thin thats it
    Thank you all so much again for your help!!!
    Will post pics soon (forgot the camera yesterday)


    Cristino and yotatoter like this.
  14. css28

    css28 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    Suburban Detroit
    2011 Prius
  15. 3prongpaul

    3prongpaul Hybrid Shop Owner, worked on 100's of Prius's

    Jul 18, 2010
    Boulder Hybids, Boulder, CO
    2006 Prius
    1) it depends on how bad your battery was originally and where the donor cells came from. If you're lucky it will run for months if not years. If the replacement cells were flakey or the other original ones were dying you could be facing WAMS (whack a mole syndrome)...search PC for "whack a mole".

    2) Yes, if the battery slices do not have the same capacity/internal resistance a large number of them fail within a few weeks.

    3) Overall voltage is not that important nor helpful. What is important is the block voltages and IR relative to each other...the car mainly looks at those variables before it sets codes.

    4) I would clear the misfire code. If it doesn't come back it was just an anomaly. If it does check the coil pack and/or spark plug on #1.

    5) No, you should not add any fluids to the HV battery slices.

    6) I always recommend changing the inverter coolant pump with a new one when car over 100k miles. Weak coolant flow can damage the tranny or inverter. Pump is part G9020-47022 make sure you properly bleed inverter if you change out the pump. Perhaps get new Denso spark plugs if never changed? Air filter? Cabin filter? Brake pads? Change out transaxle fluid? Other than that not a whole lot of wear items.

    7) No easy way that I know of. You could add some sort of suspension raisers but I've never seen anyone with a gen1 do it.

    8) There are companies that make direct fit "bolt on" trailer hitches for Gen1...they are heavy and hard to ship but maybe you could find a local welder to replicate? Let me know, I may be able to send you photos/dimensions if needed.
    bwilson4web likes this.
  16. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    On the trailer hitch, under the rear bumper are two, tie-down, anchors held on by "big bolts." If you are in a 'do it yourself' mode, have a welder use them as the anchors and 'roll your own.' Here are some of my experiments on the front pair.

    Don't neglect the possibility of using structural bamboo.

    BTW, you now have a second key, right? If not order two blanks. Have a local key man cut the grooves and then look around the net for the 'door slamming' way to program your second and third keys.

    Bob Wilson
  17. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    I still want to see the Prius stuck between two slightly burnt coconut trees!
    usnavystgc and dogfriend like this.
  18. yotatoter

    yotatoter Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    2001 Prius
    Hard to answer how long the modules will last,I tried that on my daily work car with 160k and i replaced only 2 modules . They lasted for over a year till I had another one go bad after 35k miles..the other stuff I could not help you there ,sorry..
  19. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    Hi Bob

    Ok i am viewing your pictures now and will try to explain to the local welder to see what materials they have and fabricate it.
    Structural bamboo too funny
    Local key man, Ha! Bob you lose your keys here you are Poop out of Luck

    Ok look for the pics for all your viewing pleasure.
    I have to take pics of the 1 mile dirt road, None of you will believe i got the car in here!!


    Attached Files:

    Data Daedalus, bisco, m.wynn and 5 others like this.
  20. jonathan T

    jonathan T Junior Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    2003 Prius
    Hi Paul

    Thanks for all the answers here:
    Gotcha on 1,2.
    question on 3, what do you mean by block voltages? I measured each one individually. What is IR maybe internal resistance? Can i measure that with a cheap volt meter?, or do i need a decent scanner?
    4: yeah cleared the code , did not come back :)
    5: gotcha
    6: Ok From your answers i am going to order:
    about 4 batts to have on stand by, anybody have good ones for sale?
    Even though that part is $100, and shipping another $40, i will do it if you recommend, can you point me to the forum of where i learn how to do that, and can i do that without scanner?
    Maybe i should check spark plugs to see condition, i remember seeing some post with pics here?
    Air filter, i didnt know there was a cabin filter
    Also i will get transaxel fluid. Is there somewhere on the forum which tells how to change that?
    7: I got to do something or i will smash the crapola out of this car, i put $2500 into the road, but a lot of the rocks got swallowed by the MONSTER MUD!!!
    Even though the car is running now, i have to wait another day or two for the road to dry out to venture my way out of here!
    Anywhere you can lead me to suspension lifts? how much clearance do you think i can get and is it expensive?
    8: yeah local welder will see Bobs pics / Info to fabricate one.

    Thanks Paul
    Did you see some of the pics?
    Had to put a roof rack on it as i need to carry 2x6's and pvc pipes, plywood (wheel barrows, even a cement mixer:) etc....