I see.. I noticed it also depends on type of pavement. Very quiet on asphalt but loud on concrete. Maybe try some of the MLV methods you see all over this forum?
yep. From what I read it help but won't transform it. Don't get me wrong, Camry is an awesome in terms of the numbers but the package is really lacking. If I were to be open to mpg wise sedans, the 335d is pretty darn impressive too. Typical BMW package; looks, handling, power, luxury(over 400ft. lbs of torque), and close to 40mpg! I almost settled for that but couldn't deal with that "sedan trait", the trunk!
You could always try a set of Bridgestone Turanza Serenity Plus... a newer LLR tire that gets good quiet and performance scores. A Toyota salesman in Tampa told me that he added dynamat to his dad's Prius. He lined the doors and he said he added dynamat where he could on the firewall. That made a huge sound difference, and now his dad loves his quiet 2012 Prius.
Camry Hybrid is a great car, no doubt about it. Many would trade the few MPG lost for the extra powerful, quieter and larger Camry which probably handles better too. And a lot of folks prefer trunks to hatchbacks. Better rearward visibility, as well!
This pro adds lots of sound deadening to a Corolla. Later in video, he has everything removed from interior, seats, carpets, everything out. Like someone else said, Toyota goes light on sound reducing material so you'll buy a Lexus if looking for quiet. How to Make Your Car Quieter With Auto Insulation / Sound Deadening - YouTube
Primacy not listed for 2011 base Prius - 2011 Toyota Prius Base Tires | Michelin Tires Is Primacy non LRR tire where there's an MPG hit?
IIRC, the Michelin site does not direct you to this tire as it has a higher speed rating than you need. Try going in through the tire then checking car compatibility rather than through the car and choosing between those that come up. IIRC its not as LRR as the Energy Tire but its not bad. Also I had 2 unrepairable flats with the Ecopias and wanted something a bit more robust.
The only thing which annoyed me about the Prius was the noise. And, coming from the cheaper Bentley (2004 VW Phaeton 4.2), noise was going to be an issue. I spent much wampum on Dynamat and, while it's no Phaeton, it's certainly no Prius, either, where noise is concerned. Additionally, the doors don't sound like an '87 Tercel when they're shut. As the OE Bridgestones are at the end of their lives, I will be installing Michelin Primacy MXM4s as multiple people "in the biz" have told me that's the quietest tire available for the vehicle (at least in the correct 17" size). Like yourself, I commute on concrete highways and the noise is draining after a period of time.
Yes, when the engine is at near full throttle, it has a pretty good 4 cyl buzzz. As for road noise and ride on my 2010 Prius, I changed from the original yokohama S33 tires, to Goodyear fuel max tires. My first thought on the test drive with new tires was "wow !!. My Prius has become a Lexus. Road rumble and interior noise is about 50% less with the new tires !!. Downside is that the new tires cost me 2 mpg on the highway . Sure is a nicer car to run on long trips now.
The only things that I had greatly disliked about my 2010 Prius were ride quality and road (mostly tire) noise. Today I had 4 new tires installed and the improvements in both ride and noise are dramatic. The new tires are Continental ProContact EcoPlus. Only $90 each at Walmart, considerably less than most alternatives. I chose those tires after extensive research via internet, and gave particular attention to what Consumer Reports had to say. And it was a great choice.
I don't mind the road noise, but then again, my commute is short. What's annoying is the whistling sound every time I brake. Lots of stop lights where I am.
Prius is actually pretty quiet on smooth pavment. I'll look for quieter LRR tires when the time comes. That's the good part. Bad part is Prius is just weird to drive. Too bad cause the seat is actually really good in this car, but the scant wheel scope is a major biff job. Forget using the door armrest: first car where I can't use it, weird. I wouldn't be surprised if gobs of people dump these cars after a few years of ownership. I'll be looking to get out before it gets old. Shame because if it was designed as it should be, it could have been much more enjoyable.
You're in the wrong car if those traits are high on your list. Before the Prius, I owned 3 BMWs and they are great to drive and comfortable in a sporty kind of way. "Gobs of people" dumping these? The used market and resale prices doesn't reflect anything close to what you're saying. And this is your "2nd" Prius???