It makes the owner happy. I would not bother, but I like my car factory stock. It might be more aerodynamic than stock, unlike most aftermarket wheels. The good news is he does not have to justify this to you or I. (see my signature)
Yep. I could barely see any difference between the final result and the starting point. As long as the owner is happy I guess that is all that matters. Not something I would do. iPad ?
For extreme hypermiling smooth wheel covers are the way to go. By themselves you will not notice a large increase in FE but coupled with other mods the increase may be worth the effort. It's not much different than racers that strip their cars and turn them into Swiss cheese just to reduce weight and gain a couple 10ths of a second. To each their own.
Who does that guy think he is, Dean Moon ? Looks like a patent infringement to me. I'd hate to have one of those thing fly off in front of me on the freeway. Probably not DOT approved. LOL.
Would there be any reason to worry about heat srewing up the rotors with racing discs on a daily driver? I think the guy is brave running the car on just a floor jack. ;-)
On a convention car it would be a concern to me about brake ventilation. On a Prius I don't think it would be a serious problem. Like you, I would be more disconcerted about the car being catapulted into the neighbors Rose Garden if that jack slipped ooooo.
I was waiting for the jack to fail, what a letdown!!! He he!!! I'd rather have some kickass rims and remove weight from the inside of the car than run my prius looking like that.